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A new TV sitcom this September called: Black*ish, what would happen if there was a show called: White*ish ?


Would there not be cries of RACISM? And is the title of this new show Racist?

Update 2:

The show is about a black family.

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it is racist because it is based on race. If a white family was called Whitish, yes there would be hell to pay.

  • 7 years ago

    i think its pretty racially insensitive but not racist. Its pretty insulting to white people the same way an all black college is. Basically no one would come out with a show called white-ish about an upper class white family with a black mom who acts white forced to live in the ghetto then let the hilarity ensue, there would be cries of racism coming from all over. I don't think this show will last because its too much of a niche concept. The same reason "black comedies" don't do well at the box office.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nothing. And no, it's not racist. Racism would be if it were called "Black people are _(derogatory term)" To simply be called 'black' or 'blackish' is in itself not racist at all. (The content of the series is another topic, I suppose, but you were only talking about the title)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't see anything wrong with it. Whoever is doing the writing is probably basing some of the situations on their own growing-up years and/or family life, much like 'Everybody Hates Chris,' or 'The Goldbergs,' or 'Wonder Years.' I plan to watch, to see if I like it. The previews look good.

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