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BIG BROTHER: Why didn't Caleb just grab one of the ropes and make Frankie lose?


CBS would not kick him out of the house because he was part of this competition.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Apparently when he sat out Production told him he can't play after that and they bribed him with a Slop pass(This was their way to keep Frankie)

    He would of had to start playing from the start. But he didn't think of that. It would of been much easier for him to play in the competition, and throw it and Sabotage it from there. I guess he didn't think Frankie would be able to win on his own.

    Caleb isn't all that bright though.

  • 7 years ago

    I think once Caleb sat down that was it for him playing the competition. If he really wanted to throw it he would have taken his rope and just stood there not moving. I think deep down he felt it would be more fair to Frankie to give him a chance to fight and save himself from the mess he created which was in my opinion about the best thing to do.

  • 7 years ago

    Caleb is not the brightness person, he does not think.

    Devin, Zach and Caleb all does and say thing, the act before thinking.

    A smarter person would of figure out hold the ropes they would have 100% control of the game

  • 7 years ago

    I was wondering that myself as I watched it, screaming at my TV for Caleb to suddenly join and ruin Frankie's game.

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