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Why is the country music section not restricted to questions about country music only?

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi, I'll be honest with you. Ever since yahoo implemented this new purple format, & the feature just recently that automatically selects the question category, it's really hurt yahoo answers. A lot of great people have left the site.

    The country section used to be way more active, now with the new feature automatically selecting the category I've seen lots of non country questions end up in this section like "what is your favorite country on earth" or it will be something totally ridiculous. A lot more trolls on here also.

    I've also seen country questions end up in the wrong category such as r&b or hip hop section. I've debated leaving the site also, but I'm still hanging in. I hope this helps you out. Good luck!

    PS: I know this is unrelated to your question, but I agree with your username 100% percent!

  • stick
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I have been using YA for almost 5 years, mainly contributing to the Country Music category. During the first couple of years I would often answer 10/12 questions a day, but as there are so few genuine Country Music questions now, I am hard pushed to answer 10 in a week! I can't see the situation getting any better, and have considered knocking it on the head, but I have kept going......just in case! I have notched up quite a few best answers for responding to geographical questions, but I am not here for points, I am here to help people by sharing my knowledge.

  • phoebe
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    People don't really pay attention when categorizing their questions and often choose the default suggested category. The computer might read the wording of the question wrong and its suggestion might be not quite right.

    People also have different ideas of what is country or not. Taylor Swift, for example, is often categorized as country, but some consider her to be pop.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I've wondered that for a long time. I first started using this regularly in 2011, but when I looked back on questions asked in the years before, I was pretty bummed that I was a bit too late. From 2006-2009, a lot of the questions on here included things like trivia. Now it just seems to be questions that a person could easily look up on other places. I had quit using the website for a while, especially because of how boring it became. The people who mention the purple format are right, it sucks. Even worse is how something you post, like a link, can be included in your answers if you don't double check.

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