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BIG BROTHER: Stupid move on Caleb's part not to get Frankie out of the house yet again?


Now I find myself rooting for Christine because I can't stand these guys. Doubt she will make the finals though.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Time will tell if it was dumb or not. But if had gotten Frankie out that would of been a huge move for the Jury to vote for him if he was in the F2

    And it was dumb for him to tell Frankie he was thinking of putting him up LOL

    But on one hand Cody/Derrick will never take him to the F2(Without one of them or Victoria out). Frankie could and the Jury doesn't like Frankie.

    Christine is in very serious trouble she is the most likely to go tonight in the DE unless she wins HOH or POV(Then Frankie will be going). Derrick has been planting seeds to everyone else to get her out even getting Cody to agree to it LOL

    Cody isn't smart to see what Derrick is doing

  • 7 years ago

    Tonight could be good.

    Caleb think Victoria is leaving, she will not, no matter who wins

    The guys will try to get one out tonight.

    If that happens it will be Caleb or Frankie.

    Personally I can not stand Christine.

    I hope she does not make the finals, I would rather Victoria in the finals.

    Caleb is not playing a good game.

    The way Derrick in convincing all the guys he will not win, all will win over him, is great. You may not like him, but you have to give credit for that. All the guys think Derrick will not win if they take him.

    Yes Caleb should of gotten Frankie out. He was convinced Nicole was a bigger problem, and it was not fair she was back. That will be a huge mistake for him. If he kept Nicole, Nicole would not of put him up, that is not true for Christine or Frankie.

    Nicole is leaving because she knows what Derrick is doing, how he is controlling the house. If she never said he was like Dan, Frankie could of been leaving. That is why Donny and Hayden let. They are the only 3 that saw what Derrick was doing. These are three votes for him. Frankie and Cody believe they control Derrick.

  • 7 years ago

    It was incredibly stupid. I despise Derrick, he's the reason why there has been no big moves in the game. Yes, the guy is playing an amazing game, but he's the reason why the show is incredibly boring.

    Sad because Caleb's the only person I have left to root for since everybody else in the house is more despicable than he is.

  • 7 years ago

    Stupid move for him, yes... but not for Derrick. And it's Derrick's game. The rest are just hanging out trying to get famous.

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