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? asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 7 years ago

I'm interested in learning both Arabic and Russian... both fascinate me. Just curious to know which language you would suggest I learn first?


your reason? Thanks! !

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are completely different in everything so u need to pick one .. Arabic is my first language soo I would tell u arabic simply because many countries in the world speak Arabic but Russian is less common also countries thag don't speak arabic and are musims also knkw arabic so its of a very good use ... second arabic is actually very very rich literature wise, it's a very organized language with interesting grammar, it's hard to be honest but there is nothing easy in this world .. once u learn arabic ur going to be able to read tons of poetry and literature that the world started with ... all the old scientists were actually arab on the other hand once u learn arabic u will find similar languages easy to learn for example persian because we have similar words and we share the alphabets also turkish because we also share many vocablary although we dont share alphabets. Many dialects in arabic but the most spoken one is the egyptian dialect.

    Good luckk :)

    Source(s): Egyptian
  • 7 years ago

    I would suggest to start with Russian, as it's only a semi-hard Category II language. If that goes well, add Arabic which is a hard Category III language.

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Since both the languages fascinate you, you should by hook or crook try to learn both the languages, even though it may be a bit tough, difficult and strenuous. I am giving this advice in the best interest of your future career and life. Any additional language will be of great help to you. Primarily I don't like to get confused.

    Source(s): compiled.
  • 7 years ago

    Arabic is cool...I heard there's 2 types of grammars-separate for each sex

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