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Why do Conservatives hate Gay marriage so much?

It doesn't directly affect them, or do they believe that God will send them to Hell if they allow it?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know of many people who "hate" gay marriage. It goes against what we believe is morally acceptable, and we refuse to support it for that reason. Personally, I know that if the two gay people down the road get married, it isn't going to affect my life at all. So I'm not going to get all up in arms if people do it. But since I think it is immoral, I'm also not going to be signing any petitions to make it legal. See the difference? You can disagree with someone or something without hating that thing or that person.

  • I may be incorrect here because I'm not really super interested in marriage, but I believe it was created by religion. Each religion having different 'rules' to be married. Most religions state marriage is to be between man and woman only, but what I really don't understand is where it was decided that marriage should become a benefit under government ruling. Religion has nothing to do with the constitution and America was even orginally stated to be a non-religious country. Aside from freedom of religion not controlled under any religion itself. That was the point of the Europeans breaking away from Europe. So really marriage shouldn't even technically have benefits...or at least none that should say can only be acquired via marriage. However since each religion is different in the respects of the ruling of marriage who's to say someone can't have their own beliefs that say marriage can be between any two people of any gender and not get benefits for their own beliefs. Really the whole marriage system is pretty stupid. You don't need a piece of paper to prove your love for someone.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I agree with esmerelda. It's just the way people who control the strings taught them to be. If you ask any kid with no indoctrination about gay relationships, he will actually accept it as an act of love, but this doesn't mean the kid will actually become one of them, but that's what the conservatives fail to see. Kids MAY follow this example and it's normal because they are kids, they are just experiencing. In the end, when the kids grow up, they will know if they are straight or homo. Still, this difference doesn't make them less of a person we are.

  • 7 years ago

    That is a myth that needs to die out. NOW. Not all conservatives are against marriage equality. I've met many liberals who are HIGHLY against marriage equality, and I've met many conservatives who are FOR marriage equality.

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  • 7 years ago

    They fear the institutionalization of gay marriage will signal a society supportive of gays, which they call evil.

  • 7 years ago

    Actually Jesse No, we believe in the Word Christ Jesus spoke

    Fear God who has the power to cast ye into hell" we believe that His word is true so why should we condone you going to hell, why should we not warn you against what you are doing? As Christ suffered greatly for this on Calvary for you to return to the lord God as He will abundantly pardon. as God is not mocked

  • 7 years ago

    Because they genuinely believe that they have a gawd-given right to dictate to other people how they should run their lives. They also believe that their way of doing things is the Only Correct Way and that everybody else must live the same way they do. Or Else.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because they're control freaks who never feel safe unless they're in control. Thing is -- nobody can control everything. This is why control freaks never feel really safe. It's neurotic as hell.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    hating something or someone and refusing to support them or it because you know its wrong are two different things.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    becoz they are christian & feminist which make a massive homophobic

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