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Theists usually try to get atheists to believe in God & atheist usually try to encourage doubt. Are they more similar that they appreciate?

Never mind who's right & who's wrong, what is the underlying psychology inherent in BOTH parties? They are clearly both very 'driven'.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes both sides are driven, but it is what is driving them that is important.

    I live in America. Theists are forcing me to support their religiouos institutions - be they churches or businesses. My tax dollars are higher because congress passed laws respecting institutions of religions. They are tax free. Ministers may claim up to half of their income as a housing allowance that is tax free. Their car allowance is tax free. All those contributions made by christians to their churches are tax deductible. Faith Based initiatives spend my tax dollars directly on things I would NEVER spend my money on because I find them so UNETHICAL. All of these things raise my taxes and force me to support religions tat I find ABOMINABLE.

    Christians also think that they have a lock on morality. They want to keep inequality alive. They want a class system within our already existing class system. It used to be blacks that were forced down, but now its LGBT and women. They also think that they have a right to tell me what I can do with my body, and they are using government to deny me the right to even own it - because God owns it.

    The Christian agenda, on the other hand, is very different. It's about bullying people into submission to a value system that is abhorrent in my eyes.

    Christian agenda -aggression. Atheist agenda - self-defense.

  • 7 years ago

    Anyone who watched the Martin Sixsmith documentary recently about the children taken from their mothers in Ireland and sent for adoption to America in the 1950s cannot but help be disillusioned with organised religion. The same thing happened in England, just get hold of a copy of Oranges and Sunshine, and I'm not pointing a finger at the Catholic church of years ago, even recently they obstructed attempts by these children and their parents to trace each other. Nor am I pointing a finger purely at Catholics, every organised religion believes that in some way they are set above normal morality or the laws of man because they have God on their side and this leads to endless abuse of power. I am glad that I am an atheist, but even if I believed I would be making a real nuisance of myself and asking some very awkward questions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't try and encourage doubt, I just don't like when people use arguments that are false or misleading (usually in reference to science, philosophy, and history). If someone wants to have faith, I'm not going to comment on that or argue with them. However, if they want to talk about how the second law of thermodynamics invalidates evolution, therefore god, well.. that's when I'll start commenting.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    To me, Trying to convince someone to believe to believe one way or another is being 'religious', even if trying to convince people there's no god. There's religious Christians, Muslims, Atheists, etc..., and non-religious Christians, Muslims, Atheists, etc.... The more 'non-religious' one is the less they try to convince others one way or another. [This is my definition, and not some official dictionary, etc...]

    What one says they believe doesn't matter as much as what one does. I'm Atheist, but I used to be a religious one, but then I started to realize it's typically a waste of time to convince them one way or another.

    If you say God did X, or I did X, either way the story behind it doesn't change rather X was done or not.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    Leave atheists alone and they will not be forced to defend themselves!

    ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!

    The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!

    It is Christian posts that drive people further away from God and are the reason so many DECENT people are becoming ANTITHEISTS!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Perhaps we're more similar than we care to acknowledge. But, you can't just ignore who's right and who's wrong. Just look at all the damage religion has caused and continues to cause.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I will try to keep it simple. Your metabolism is basically the rate at which your body burns calories to create energy. So the faster your metabolism, the faster you burn calories and the easier it is to lose unwanted weight. To boost your metabolism naturally you just need to eat the right foods.

    You can sit down and literally eat a 1,000-calorie dinner and yet be absolutely starving just a few hours later and the reason is simple: Because your body didnt get what it needed in those 1,000 calories so it sends signals to your brain telling you to ingest more calories and thus, the late-night cravings. That means that the surest way to end those late-night cravings and keep your weight loss goals on track is to eat a more balanced, nutritious diet that actually gives your body what it needs.

    It's VERY EASY to lose weight if you eat the right foods. Check out this video here: - it will blow your mind.

  • I really, REALLY wouldn't care what theists believed if they had the vote taken away from them, and they had no sway over the direction of society; the same cannot be said about theists.

  • Steph
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Look what's going on in the world today..we are on the brink of war..again..all driven by ego and superstition..atheists are saying..come on guys..this is the 21st century..can we put superstition to rest once and for all.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I think you've oversimplified the positions, actions and motivations of both groups.

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