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Guy's party help?!?

So, my guy friend asked me if I wanted to go to his party. I've never been invited to a boy's party before, so I was super pumped I got asked. The only issue is, my mom, grandpa, and cousin are all having a party to celebrate THEIR birthdays, at the exact same time as my friends. I know this sound really dumb, but I'm really upset that I won't be able to go because family comes first. I don't know if any guy will ask me to go to a party again, so this may be my only chance, or at least at this age. (He's turning 13) Does anyone have advice?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your seriously worrying about this, then don't! Its no big deal. Calmly tell your cousin, grandparents and whoever else is planning to celebrate what you think. You know they will have another party anyway, but because you don't think you will get asked to another party wit just guys, its better to tell your mom that you would like to go to his party. As long as your around for their special day and spend as much time as possible with them all before you go, they wont mind what the reason is. Because after all, family comes first, and they wont mind what the reason is if you just come clean about why you cant be around for their celebrations. Its better not to lie, and they will appreciate you a lot for doing it!

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