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How can I get a boyfriend?

So, the boys in my grade are shy and don't really interact with girls that well. I definetly don't want to make the first move because if I do, they'll think I'm really slutty. Lol. Can anyone give some advice on how I can get a guy to like me? I try to be myself but no one likes me :( HELP ASAP


PS: I'm in 7th grade

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People tend to be social wildlife of course, in addition to augmenting brand new interactions can be a enjoyable in addition to rewarding way to create distributed suffers from. However having from the intro to your commitment requires determination in addition to assurance. You can build the original footing that growing a real, newer enchantment from the span connected with a couple weeks. However, you should realize that this situation just isn't perfect, and you could be far better off of taking some time.

    01. Setting up An association.

    02. Acquiring Issues to the next Stage.

    goal. Closing the deal.

    Attachment image
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