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13th Birthday Party?

So, in April, I'm turning 13. I want to invite a bunch of boys and my close girlfriends. The problem is, I don't know what to do! There's a mini golf place like less than a block away, so I suggested to walk there, and my mom said it was too expensive. I don't want to do anything at my house, a=cause its small and I just don't want my friends saying their house is bigger and mine is boring. I just want to do something big and fun but just hang out with friends. Ideas???



2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You should just hang out at your house. For my 14th birthday we went to the park near my house and played, then we set up a tent in my backyard to sleep in. That night we were all kind of close with one of the guys (3 girls and 3 boys) so it was super fun. We went out around my streets and ended up in the dog park across the road and had a load of fun. Although I'm not friends with any of them anymore and this was 3 years ago it was still one of the best and most memorable birthdays I ever had. Don't worry about impressing them- worry about making memories that last a lifetime. Also, Happy Birthday I hope you enjoy your teenage years- they are the best yet most challenging years of your life. :)

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My dear (girl, boy?), if your ''friends'' are the type to comment on the size of your house then you should ditch them. Keep only close to you those who are always nice and kind no matter what.

    Idea: Go to the park, always nice to hang out with a bunch of friends in the park.

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