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Where and how can people cut but not kill themselves?

Please, no hate. I do NOT want to self harm! This is a project that we are doing and I need to know if you can cut your wrist without killing yourself. Also, how do you do it without killing yourself, or severly hurting yourself. I will NOT except answers that say "WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING THIS?!?!", because it's a project. Please no answers that are anywhere other than your forearm or wrist, because that is the origianal project wuestion. So, is there a way to not severly hurt yourself or kill yourself by cutting your wrist? How?!? Help please! :))

1 Answer

  • Thomas
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are places you can cut that if you do it correctly there will be no serious

    damage to your body, but the reality of it is, you are not qualified to be messing

    with this. A physician is who would be, but he is not going to condone this act.

    You are risking hitting and cutting a major blood vessel or artery, severing a tendon,

    tearing cartilage. Even a superficial cut you risk infection.

    I would tell the "project" engineers that you are withdrawing from this one. If you were

    my son or daughter I would be kidnapping you right now.

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