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Why did God require Noah to take two of each species, when he could very easily of just created them again from scratch?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you ever taken the time to read the Bible's story of Noah's flood? And have you ever pondered what this story's position in the Bible might actually mean? While there are many people who consider the Bible, and therefore Noah's story, to be literally true, most educated and intelligent people understand that the story of Noah's flood is a myth. They understand that Mt. Everest was never covered in flood water, they understand that the ark could not hold the millions of species that are now found on earth, and they understand that there is no DNA evidence to show that all animals on earth came from single breeding pairs just a few thousand years ago.

    But there is one part of the story of Noah's Ark that deserves special recognition. It shows us something about God that is quite unsettling to any intelligent person who takes the time to consider his actions. That special section is this:

    God senselessly murdered millions of humans and billions of animals in the flood

    How do we know it was senseless? Because "God" is supposed to be "all-knowing" and "all-powerful." If God were to exist, God would know what was coming when he created Adam and Eve. Therefore, God knew he would be murdering millions of people.

    This realization leads to an obvious question: Why didn't God simply speed up Jesus' arrival to avoid the atrocity that is the flood? Or why didn't God program Adam and Eve when he created them to completely circumvent the need for such a horrendous atrocity?

    You may have never considered this question, but it is exquisitely important. Because the flood is an atrocity of the highest order. It is mass murder on a global scale.

    The idea that Christians would accept a mass-murderer as their object of worship shows us something about Christians, does it not? Think about it - By (supposedly) murdering nearly every human on the planet, the Christian God is far more heinous than Hitler. No "loving" and "perfect" being can also be a mass-murderer bent of global genocide. Yet Christians willfully worship him. Why?

    If you are a Christian, I would ask you to simply look inside yourself today. Why would you accept a mass murderer into your life?

  • 7 years ago

    The original Bible text (scrolls) never said it was a global flood.

    The History channel covered that in one of their documentaries.

    . Noah's (small) world was flooded; not the whole world as we know it today. (The documentary indicated it could have occurred in Mesopotamia.)

    Gen. 7:4 - For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth [erets] forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off face of the earth [adamah].

    The part "face of the earth" in this verse in Hebrew reads as ;paniym adamah. These two words don't mean the *whole earth". but a territory or country. Ergo: the Bilbe doesn't say it was a global flood.

    Incidentally, when I was in the jungles of Vietnam, it rained for a little more than 40 days and nights during the wet-monsoons. -- It was a yearly event. It did not flood the whole world. -- The people of that area build their houses on stilts just to prepare them for those wet monsoons that usually lasted about 40 days. - go figure.

    Secondly, - the animals to be saved were the local animals -- they did not mention Elephants and Giraffes, like the Sunday school pictorials. --- penguins and aardvarks were not mentioned in the Bible either.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He didn't. He told Noah to take two of each kind. The very concept of "species" biological classification wouldn't even exist until the 1600s. We can assume when Moses wrote down the story of Noah's ark that Aristotle's classification system was the one being used. It was much simpler, and based on more obvious features. An example which people always point out as an "error" in the Bible is that Aristotle would have classified bats in the same category as birds because they could fly.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I'll ask when I meet him.

    Could a species be propagated from just one male and female. [G]enetics seems to have resolved the debate, with a convincing demonstration that dingoes are descended from only a few domestic dogs introduced to Australia from South-east Asia, ‘as few as a single pregnant female’.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    For the same reason God expects man to obey Him here on earth. God could rid the world of evil but, he expects man to play his part.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It never happened. You can't recreate a species with just one male and one female. You'd need hundreds of that species to recreate them.

  • 7 years ago

    Dude, those things take a lot of work to make from scratch. If you keep a breeding pair, they make themselves. Much less work.

  • 7 years ago

    Because God wanted it done that way!

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