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What happened to our morals?

I heard three cases of people killing their loved ones in sick and twisted ways. Teachers are having sex with their students. People are requesting for incest to be legal. Elderly people are getting raped. California passed a law to protecting the rapists from accusations by the victim. The Republican Party in the United States refused to expand Medicaid, increase the minimum wage, equal pay for women, are supressing the right to vote, and refused to do something about gun laws even after a gunmen murdered elementary children at school before Christmas. So what happened?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    You're suggesting that "society" has lost it's "Morals" and that we're sliding downhill.

    Teachers have had sex with students ever since teaching has been a profession.

    Rape has occurred since man first learned how to use his penis and a woman said no. Women and men of every age have been the victims of rape.

    Laws have varied and changed since the dawn of mankind and have been argued and fought about.

    Families have murdered one another and serial killers and pyschopaths have always existed.

    The difference now is that there are far more people now than ever before and we have the internet and 24 hour media coverage. So we get to hear about everything that happens to everyone.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I wonder too but these cited are not exactly morals they are legitimate questions about law and punishment and government misuse. The ones about incest, abuse of the elderly, equal pay for both sexes, laws about guns...well its more about teachers not being able to instruct the young about such a world and warn them of the abuse ahead but we know politicians would say children need to learn instead about morals.

  • Dan H
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Nothing has happened to our morals. This kind of stuff has been going on for as long as there have been people on earth.

    The difference is the internet. It's all we hear about anymore. The news feeds are full of Kardashians and murder and nothing else. You have to really, really look for good news.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A lot, NOT ALL , People, including politicians ( Dem, Rep, Left , Right ... ) businesses ... threw what you call " Morals " out the window for greedful purposes and reasons like MONEY , money matters , is more important to many people over Life and Living for and of all other Life and People !

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    you are so sadly brainwashed that its not even funny. I mean, there is so much wrong with your details that i dont want to take the time to break it apart and make you look like an even bigger fool.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I agree with you on several points including minimum wage and gender wage gap. In relation to which, these reports will interest you:, and .

  • 7 years ago

    Whattaya mean, "our" morals?

    My morals are doing just fine, thank you very much.

    And what exactly is "moral" about using the threat of government force to confiscate at gunpoint what one citizen has earned, only to hand it over to another citizen who hasn't earned it in order to buy votes?

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