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Self harm cuts swelling?

So, this was my first time cutting. I took a razor from a pencil sharpener. I cut my forearm, the part that is to the right and left of my veins, not directly on them. I didn't exactly clean the razor before use. I did around 17 cuts. I didnt go deep at all. Barely any blood came out. After about 10 minutes, they got swollen and not just in one line; they are thick, as in, about half an inch. How can I reduce the swelling? I dont care about scars, i just want it to be less swollen.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, first run them under warm water, as hot as you can handle without it burning, dampen a cloth and clean the cuts. Next, put some cold water or ice inside/on some tissue paper and run it over the cuts slowly, do this until the ice melts or the water warms up.

    If you can, wrap the cuts in a bandage for a few hours and don't touch them.

    Need to talk about stuff? You can message me on skype @ Silver Cide

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • 7 years ago

    I have a friend who cut himself so deep so many times that the scare tissue was literally protruding about an inch out from the normal surface of his body and boy does he regret it. I've been in your shoes. There is no shame in being down or depressed, but the way you cope with it needs to be something that will beneficial in the long run. Please be careful. Your life is important and you were born to do great unique things.

  • 7 years ago

    What always helped me was a cool rag wrapped around or placed on top if the swollen cuts.

    I'm not going to tell you not to do that to yourself, because I've been there. But you need to believe that you are better than that. Head up, soldier.

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