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Where are Middle Eastern Coptic, Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or Sikh terrorists? Why only Muslims that are Middle Eastern terrorists?


Note: People in the Israeli armed forces are not terrorists, and they are certainly not of one single faith (Israeli armed forces consists of Israeli people of all faiths).

Update 2:

I am talking about in Middle East. Burma is not Middle East.

Update 3:

India is not Middle East.

Update 4:

"any one who kills innocent civilians are terrorists"

Are American, Australian, British, Canadian airstrikes in Iraq killing any innocent civilians? Prove that not one single innocent civilian has been killed.

15 Answers

  • Todd
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, the middle east is weird. If you look at history, they've been pretty much at war forever (that's hyperbole but also kind of true). They're the holy land and fight vigorously for it to this day. They are expansionist in principle but deny that any one else can be. Thus the chaos and conflict.

    The problem in dealing with middle east conflict is that many of the people there are pretty entrenched in their beliefs and don't see infighting as bad. I use the word infighting because you have a lot of people ascribing to the same belief system disagreeing at a "holier than thou" level, and you have a lot of civilians caught up in the crossfire.

    The way I look at is like a match. It's made of materials that took some time to make but a single one can light a large fire. The middle east has a lot of flammable social material. When people make claims to holiness in that region, it's taken very seriously and at times violently because of their past.

    Plus, it doesn't help that their international connections are sketchy. It seems that if they would have just made friends with everyone else at first, there wouldn't even be an issue :)

  • 7 years ago

    When you have over 1 billion Muslims in the world, you read need a minute percentage for their to be a large number of terrorists. This could be mitigated if the rest of the Muslims acted against the radicals amongst them and took action to block them (as generally happens in other communities), but either they implicitly support them or don't care what is being done in their name. When I see Islamic organisations coming out about how the terrorists don't represent Islam and they are just a tiny percentage, my question always is "If they are such a small group and veryone else is against them- then wy don't the vast majority that you claim rejects them act to stop their activities?"

  • 7 years ago

    As an example of one of the groups you mention:

    You have heard of the Dark Ages when the Catholic church killed anyone who did not believe what they wanted them to believe, right. And they expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492. And they had the Inquisition to torture people until they confessed that they believed and then killed them so they would die a believer instead of a heretic. And they supported the Nazis in the extermination of anyone not Catholic. And that they went into the Middle East to take it from the Muslims during the Crusades and killed all of them they found. And that the members of the Mafia are Catholics and are not excommunicated for killing whoever they want whenever they want for whatever reason they want. The Catholic church is the largest terrorist organization that has ever existed and it is organized terrorism. You are just trying to spread your hatred of a certain group you have chosen, and are trying to do it thru Yahoo Answers, which I think anyone would agree is not very efficient in spreading ideas since it has such a limited audience.

  • 7 years ago

    As we approach Guy Fawke's night here in Britain, a documentary was shown on BBC, to detail what the gunpowder plot intended to do. If it had succeeded, the Parliament building in London would have been blown to smithereens, packed with vast numbers of people and the King and Queen, plus surrounding buildings and peoples. If it had succeeded on the 5th day of the 9th month, the State opening of Parliament, some 20 thousand people would have been killed or maimed.

    That would have made the British 5/11 far more of a terrorist plot than ever the American 9/11 was.

    All the plotters were ardent Catholics, out to kill the Protestant King and to re-establish Catholicism as the State religion, by force. I just mention that fact of history to answer your question in one respect. You will also find other terrorists throughout history, claiming to be ardently religious and carrying out their terrorism in the name of their god. History teaches us a lot. Always compare the present with what happened in the past.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    -there is actually no such thing called buddist ,hundu or sikh in the middle east

    -Muslims are the majority of the middle east ,and you do the math idiot

    -jews dont need to be a terrorists while their country is doing the job already

    -Here in Egypt we have sorts of coptic terrorists but westerns media def banned this in their own review

    -Terrorism in the middle east is a result of middle easterns themselves (beside ISIS) and not the Muslims directly ,and you can have a look on the other non middle east muslim countries.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Those that live under the Muslims rules want to free of this imprisonment but do not know how. So instead of getting out of the self made prison which to them seems impossible, they have groups have decided if we cannot be free one way lets try seeing if we will go deeper into the Jail will set us free and maybe there we will find a hole there to escape.

    Is it not sad to see so many souls living under such obedience and no way to escape. Even the message of Jesus you must be Born Again they ran from and chose to be under a sword instead.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because they are the most outspoken and the most evangelical about terrorism in the western world.

    Also remember that you and I live in the western world!

    You don't hear about Buddhists, Sikhs or Coptics declaring "jihad" against the west now do you?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Perhaps you haven't heard about Rwanda (1994). Priests were preaching from the pulpits and nuns in the schools about the need to kill the Tutsi and Hutu. They were refused refuge in churches.

    Of course, if you look at history from the point of view of a Native American, you will see nothing but terrorism, violence, dishonesty, theft, and barbaric cruelty unthinkable to any sane person

  • 7 years ago

    There are plenty of Buddhist Terrorists, Buddhist blood is boiling in Burma, also known as Myanmar and plenty of Muslim blood is being spilled. there are Christian terrorist groups in Africa, anti Muslim riots by Hindus is a common thing in India, sikh! idk...

    there are no Buddhists in middle east, and any one who kills innocent civilians are terrorists which include israeli army...

    lol, there are no Hindus in middle east, look mr ignorant, middle east is basically christian Muslim Jewish area, you can find evil people in almost every religion...

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  • Try reading the Quran (Hint; I am a Christian). Then read Hamas Chater Article 7.See if that answers the question.

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