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Do people truly understand how our brother Lucifer became the devil and why he was cast out of Heaven for rebelling against our God?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was one of the most beautiful and gifted angels in heaven. He had the highest ranking out of all of them all also.

    But he let pride get to his head and he wanted god's position in Heaven. He schemed and convinced a third of the Angels to follow under his lead. Him and the Angels who followed him got permanently kicked out of heaven after that.

    "Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee."

    "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north"

    Lucifers(Satans) fate is now permanent. He can never go back to heaven after what he did and knows his fate is eventually going to be in the lake of fire. He is also angry that humans get multiple chances in earth but god was more sterner with him because he used to live directly in heaven with god.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Satan tried to kill God and become God himself. In those days God gave magic freely or Satan stole it. Since Satan has too much power, he made everyone miserable including his team, especially when God thinks no one should ever suffer. Satan is good at lying and pretending he is a friend, but his monstrosities mean he has forfeited existence of himself. It is hard to understand how someone could choose to be evil. Very hard to understand and if he lies and says he is good, it is easier to understand because his horrors are beyond imaginable.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You have listened to men and have not studied for yourself. Satan is not a created being and is the god of evil and lies, just as God is the God of good and truth.

  • Evan
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    It happened the same day Superman's dad wrapped little Superman in a cape, and sent him to earth....

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses do.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Lucifer was never our brother.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Sounds a little suspicious if you ask me.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    And the gnashing off the teeth continues, and continues.....

  • Joseph
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    the truth is? Lucifer he is our wicked brother who openly rebelled against our heavenly Father and Jesus in heaven, when we all were there. before God put into plan our coming to this earth to Experience  things that we could not in heaven with our spirit body's only. So in order for us to Experience  the things we do here on earth we had to have a body of flesh and bone, to be born on the earth.  In heaven Lucifer came among us all and wanted to be a leader to over throw Gods kingdom. So Lucifer tried to get all of us to go against our heavenly Father and one third of our brothers and sisters in heaven heeded to the words of Lucifer , all of us here who are born on the earth did not heed to the words of the Lucifer. Lucifer spoke flattering words to all of us in heaven to attempt us to rebel against our heavenly Father and they who did, heed to the words of Lucifer started a war of words in heaven against our heavenly Father and us who did not heed to the words of Lucifer our wicked brother, who became the devil. Lucifer made our brothers and sisters who followed after him believe that he would take over Gods kingdom and that they would receive positions in authority  over all of us and have the opportunity to give Lucifer  Gods thrown that he may be the God of heaven. As the war of words continued many of our heavenly Fathers  noble one came forth and put down the rebellious. And for there rebelling against our heavenly Father they were all cast into the pit of hell.  Lucifer is known to us as the devil for his rebelling against our heavenly Father .How may here on the earth do as Lucifer our wicked brother does and rebel against our heavenly Father in open rebellion. WERE THEY DO NOT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS nor do they follow the example of Jesus Christ. ye to as Lucifer shell be cast off for your rebellion in choosing to be disobedient as our brothers and sisters did in heaven in heeding to the words of our wicked brother Lucifer. Lucifer is the father of all lies and is the destroyer of many souls. Lucifer is loosen on the earth as his followers are so that man may be tempted to choose good or evil . For there needs be an opposition to all things or man cannot be tested to know good from evil.  After the second coming when Jesus shell rule the earth and be king. Lucifer and all of his angles shell be cast into the pit of hell, that there be peace on the earth for a thousand years. then for a short season they shell be loosened then comes the end of the world. and Lucifer and all they who have done wicked and did not repent and changed there ways before passing from this life shell suffer the pains of Hell for there disobedience eternally with out end for God says that there is no end to there torment it is with out end. repent and come unto Christ fro only thru and in the name of Jesus Christ can man be saved and there be no other way. Lucifer cannot save not even one soul not even him self for God has all power to do as he pleases with the wicked for God is a just God in dealing with the wicked and the righteous for Gods punishment is just and true. and God is the same yesterday today and for ever and unchangeable God. Lucifer lies to the people of this world to make them think that he will take over Gods kingdom. If this were so then why does he not sit on Gods thorn now, is because he cannot and never will be able to. Lucifer but lies to the people of this world like he did in heaven, to have his followers there, as well that they will follow after him here on the earth. Lucifer hates us all and our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and desires nothing but to destroy all of us, if we but give him that chance. Lucifer has no power unless we give him that power to use us as his servants to do his evil deeds in this world to destroy all that is good that comes from our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. brothers and sisters please pass the truth on that ye may even save one soul from the hands of the devil that all people may know the truth concerning our wicked brother Lucifer save your selves and keep our heavenly Father commandments and follow after the example of our brother Jesus Christ, that he may save you at the last day is my prayer to all the world in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. (truth, this is all and nothing but the truth so help he God) LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND MOST OF  ALL FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER 

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