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Would you take the challenge? Not the Ice Bucket one, the one God gave to Abraham - to gut your own kid?

This is how you do it: You tie your beloved down to a sacrificial alter, raise your dagger, shut your eyes & slam your dagger down over your child's throat as fast as possible.

Oh & what if an angel stepped in to restrain your arm & it turned out to be the angel who fell to earth: Satan? What then?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    The Ice Bucket challenge can be issued by anyone, to nominate anybody they like. It is done to raise money for charity, and it's all a bit of a laugh (except for the few nominees who have died as a result of their ordeal.)

    Only God can issue the challenge of sacrificing your son, and God has only done that once in all the history of the human race. He commanded one man, Abraham, to do it but ensured Abraham's obedience did not actually lead to the death of his son, because it was a test of Abraham's faith. Once Abraham showed his faith in God resurrecting his son back to life was real faith, God stopped the test of his faith.

    But the reason God put Abraham and his son through that ordeal was to point us to how He would give His beloved Son (who became Jesus) in sacrifice, for us sinners, to save us. God did not with-hold His One and Only, but gave Him as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus agreed to leave Heaven to become the man, Jesus, in order to be the only perfect sacrifice for sin ever offered to God.

    As all sin must be punished, and we cannot clear our debt of sin to God, God arranged for His Son to be punished instead, dying a sacrificial death, to clear our debt. So do not worry. God will never, ever ask us to kill our children, because Christ's death accomplished once and for all what we could never accomplish, no matter what lengths we go to to try to please God. There is no longer any sacrifice for sin needed, now that the Son of God has done it, in our place. (Which proves that Satan was thwarted, for he is the one bringing death to humanity - the serpent was to eat dust, not literally, but symbolically, for man was made from dust, and returns to dust - the serpent's domain.)

  • 7 years ago

    I think you would probably have to be an Islamic jihadi to execute a child, or an American pilot to bomb a whole school full of them.

    Then again, if you refused life saving medical procedures for your child in the name of your religion, would that count as a sacrifice to God? Perhaps a Jehovas Witness could enlighten us on that one.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Only if a voice in my head told me to.

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    1: if you would kill your kid for god, you are a despicable person

    2: if the evil guy stopped you from killing your kid, is he really evil?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That was a one time event and no one died.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I'd say hell no and join satan.

  • 7 years ago

    Why would Satan stop the murder of your son? It would please him.

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