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Wife Will Not Admit She Has Dillusional Disorder?

My wife has been exhibiting dillusional behaviours which has severely affected our marriage. Her condition got worse soon after she had our second child. She began to withdraw from her friends, accusing them without proof. She hears voices and talks to the dressing mirror. She says that I have conspired with other people to make her nakedness and personal life visible to the public. She no longer answers phone calls. She has stopped talking to her mum and family, accusing them of being complicit in her current predicament. She locks herself indoors, and has severe OCD. She wont let the kids socialise with other kids, apart from taking them to school. Friends no longer visit us for fear of suffering embarrasments. She kicked me out of our bedroom over 4yrs ago, and we havent been intimate since. In her daily rants, she says the step dad abused her, and the mom discriminated against her. People she trusted took advantage of her vulnerable situation and molested her, getting her to perform sexual acts against her will. The GP and mental health experts have admitted that she is dillusional but they'll not intervene until she admits that she has a mental health problem. Her condition is getting worse, and I fear that my children will be affected. I'm going round in circles. She refused to comply or see a doctor when i sent her and the children to our home country for treatment. What other avenues can I explore, how do I cope with this situation?

9 Answers

  • millie
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first thing is first help for mental help unless privrate or advertised well known service for is crap two for some reason she seems like she has developed post traumatic stress there is one place I think will help her the most judging by what you said has happened to her from her parents its women's aid

  • Lisa M
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    If it got worse after your second child she could have postpartum depression that's worsened to postpartum psychosis. The good news is that it is very treatable. What she is going through is hell and she must get help. There are many books by female celebrities who suffered from it, namely Brooke Shields and another female news reporter whose name I've forgotten right now. But my point is, it's more common than you think.

    It usually worsens after every additional birth if gone untreated. So please make an appointment for her to see her doctor. I'm surprised nobody has addressed this earlier. There are signs like missing your doctors appointments after giving birth. Isolating one's self and distrust towards friends and relative. Funny thoughts, perhaps paranoia.

    But again, it's treatable but you must act now. Four years has done damage to your children, you and her. You all need to heal. But luckily you can. Look up 'Post Partum Psychosis.'

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My ex had schizophrenia and tbh your wife doesn't sound like it... she sounds perfectly neurotic. What therapist did she go to? And who suggested that she should go? I think she just got abused. That's possible and should be treated for it. She just needs emotional healing then she'll be ok. That explains the trust issues with you.

  • 6 years ago

    a mental hospital could be of some assitance, not permanent but a temporary stay where they can monitor her and get her on proper medications, as well as take her through counselling, I did this with my daughter in the beginning of the year...she was seeing things and hearing and it was ******* scary. she stayed in the hospital about 2 months, she was actually grateful in the end. they diagnosed her as bipolar schizophrenia and now she takes meds everyday and is fine. we were able to check her in as parents, and even in her delusional state she was okay with going. not sure if you can check your wife in against her will, but it might be something to look into

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    maybe you've done something to her. Start helping her out.

  • 5 years ago

    ni ti lahko

  • 6 years ago

    i think you are mental and insane

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Sounds like you need to dump that woman

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think the real problem is you.

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