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Americans: Which group of the following do you feel face the most significant negative discrimination in USA?

1) People who are, or who identify themselves as African American.

2) People who are, or who identify themselves as Native American.

3) People who are, or who identify themselves as transgender.

4) People who are, or who identify themselves as Muslim.

5) People who are homeless.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    None of the above. The group that suffers the most discrimination is people with disabilities. As a group, they have a 60 percent employment rate. They are often (if children) shunted into so-called "personalized plans" and denied both a proper education and a diploma when they finish high school. Domestic violence against people with disabilities is higher than for any other group. It is still legal to subject some people with disabilities to involuntary sterilization. And there are many more abuses.

    Bigotry is bigotry. And, I'm sorry, but you, my friend, are just as guilty. People with disabilities are -- based on statistics and legal treatment -- by far the most discriminated against today. You didn't even bother to put us on your list.

    The usual answer:"But they can't do anything. They are disabled."

    Bull. Most -- not all, I grant you, but most -- people with disabilities can work and earn a living if given a chance. The rest of the abuses people with disabilities are subjected to are without any justification.

    Next time you post a question like this, at least have the decency to put us on your list. Stop pretending we don't exist or that the abuse we suffer isn't just as inhumane and unjust as that directed against any other group targeted by bigots.

  • 6 years ago

    I don't think it's fair to say who faces the most significant discrimination in the USA. By the way, as others have pointed out, many groups of people were not mentioned (people with disabilities, LGB, etc).

    What I've come to realize actually somewhat recently, is that (and this is going to sound very nerdy) life is much like a video game. The thing about privilege and "how hard life is" is that everybody's life is hard to some degree or another. Else it wouldn't be life.

    Think of a video game for a second-at the beginning you pick "easy, medium, or hard" levels. Even when someone picks "easy" the game is meant to test them. To make them think. It's still going to be somewhat hard.

    Some people have it harder than others, but everyone always has more privilege than someone else. And everyone always has less privilege than someone else. Someone will always be 'more discriminated against' than someone else, but the same person will also be 'less discriminated against' than someone else.

    While I know that I will never get every single group that is discriminated against down, I would like to add single mothers, religious minorities (Yes I do see Muslim was mentioned, I mean others. What about Pagans?), and people who are overweight or underweight to this list. If more come I'll try to edit and add. I encourage people to comment if they come up with more.

  • 6 years ago

    It is a subjective question really. I would be surprised if a single member of any of the demographics you mention, and some others you didn't would consider any other one as "more" discriminated against. That kind of inner focus of people will skew the answers you get.

    You will also get responses from those with a particular political agenda, that depends on one group or the other appearing to be discriminated against. For their own benefit mind, you , not the group's. Identity politics may very well be the single largest contributor to the polarization of the country we have at present.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Tea Party

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  • 6 years ago

    All of those groups are discriminated against

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    White people who are going to work everyday to support all the groups you mentioned.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Old people.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    6) cigarette smokers

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