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Lv 4
Eric asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicLyrics · 7 years ago

Can not remember this indie/pop song?

I have been trying to remember this song and the band who it was by for a few days now, and it's really bugging me. It's a popular song, with what can be described as a "pretty" intro. It sounds similar to an MGMT song, but it is not them.

For some odd reason, I remember the song or band name having the word "young" in it.

The intro is unique, then there is a short bass line, then in a distorted voice, the singer says "We are the..." and that's all I can remember. It's a fairly new song (within the last few years), very popular song, and it's featured in a few commercials and movies. Sorry I can't give more details. Best answer to who gets it first.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    We are the world.

  • Eric
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Nevermind, I found it. "Young Blood" by Naked and Famous

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