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Alyosha asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

Were the 9/11pilots trained in Russia?

Cessna flight schools don't instruct students on how to operate the technology of a 757, and 767. We were "had" by Putin on a poker bet that nearly destroyed our economy by, gullibly, invading the wrong people. The sad part? Bush, Cheney, Obama, and Clinton knew all about it to the whole time.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, the 9/11 pilots trained in FLORIDA, USA.

    And once in the air, there isn't much difference between a Cessna, and a 757/767, there's literally dozens of documentaries explaining the whole thing.

    Source(s): I know social-media is turning people's brain into swiss-cheese, but at least attempt to research a question, before asking, most answers are very easy to find.
  • 6 years ago

    Stick, rudder, flaps, throttle. Anyone that can master those basics can fly anything.

    Doesn't matter how big or small a plane is: they all work the same way.

    Which begs the question of why you're making a fool of yourself pretending otherwise?

    Especially foolish, in light of the nonsense bout Russia when the facts of where the 9/11 suicide pilots learned to fly is a known and confirmed fact regardless of what gullible conspiracy hoax victims think.

  • 6 years ago

    Whoever rotted such evil doesn't matter. What does matter is "peace." If we are governed by moral monstrosity, so be it. We are saved by a promise more powerful than all the tyrannies that ever existed. Our place is in eternal salvation. Let the others die in their cunningness. Practice a life of loving others. Look forward to eternal rest.

    Source(s): The Gosphel of the risen Lord
  • 6 years ago

    After the Russian war in Afghanistan, I'm fairly sure they would have the people they fought against coming over to be trained as pilots.

    But hey, after the British war in Afghanistan, it seems they have now invaded us, judging from the amount of towelheads I see in my country!

    Source(s): Stop the immigration
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The planes were remote control, non-commercial flight-craft.

    No one was onboard. CIA & Mossad pulled a fast one. There were Israeli intelligence agents on a roof in NYC waiting to film the f'n thing, ffs!

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You are crazy. The 9/11 attackers took flying lessons in Florida.

  • 6 years ago

    They were trained in the United States

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Flying straight n level,doesn't need much training,with the aircraft already in the air.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No. All they needed was info knowledge to steer an aircraft that's already flying.

    Do you work hard to be this stupid?

  • 6 years ago

    -No. Or the Damaged They could've Done- would've been a LOT Worse !! :o

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