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Lv 6
? asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

I need painkillers for my do, can any drugs used by humans be used on dogs?

My dog requires painkillers but the vet wants a small fortune for a few days supply. I have a sick dog who needs help with pain. Does anyone know of any drugs I can use. I looked on line but without a prescription they will not supply drugs and the vet I use wants a large fee to provide a modest prescription that would need updating. with even more charges

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First thing ... find another vet! Call around and ask different vets if they will work with you on a payment schedule. I know you can use several human drugs but I would rather you get the information from a licensed vet. Type of pain killer, dosage, number of times a day, and your pet's weight is vital to your pets health. Some have suggested Tramadol but it is a strong pain killer ... I take it myself for arthritis along with two 500 mg acetaminophen 3 times daily. Tramadol can also do harm to your pet's kidneys too. You really need to find a licensed vet willing to work with you on this. Don't give up on God ... allow Him to guide you in this matter. You have my prayers my friend. I pray it will be resolved quickly for you.

  • J C
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Get a 'starter' prescription from the vet, and then a written script to send in to a reputable mail order pharmacy. Be careful - not all are good and you can get counterfeit or expired drugs. Not also that you will pay shipping which increases the cost of the drug. No over the counter drug should be given to any animal except at the advice of your vet - self medicating with a human drug can end up poisoning your pet. Pet drugs are expensive, the price of pain medications has gone up about three fold or more, as the company that manufacturers the common ones has shifted production of human drugs to the one that did the animal ones, and that drives up the cost significantly. Find a way to pay for them - ask the vet if there is a less-cost alternative. Most vets try hard to keep the cost of pain drugs down as they know that's the first thing people forego due to cost, and it's as important a part of the animal's recovery as it is for humans.

  • 6 years ago

    Most OTC human painkillers are toxic for dogs. Those that aren't toxic in small doses are usually ineffective.

    1) Ask your vet if there is a less expensive option. There are 3 or 4 veterinary NSAIDs (carprofen, firocoxib, meloxicam are probably the most commonly prescribed) that are the most widely used and there is a difference in price depending on which drug and whether or not there is a generic form available. Not all of them are effective for all dogs, which is why there are several available.

    2) If your vet is unwilling to work for you, find another vet. You will have to take your dog in and pay for an exam because it is illegal for a vet to write a prescription for a dog that isn't a patient. Ask about their policy on online pharmacies or scripting out meds before you make the appointment.

  • 5 years ago

    NO, aspirin is a blood thinner and after surgery not a good idea. not sure what kind of pain meds your dog is on currently, but I would call the vet and get the after hours # and have them contact your vet at home and find out what else you can do for the evening. the other thing is sometimes the anesthesia takes a while to leave the system and whining and crying could also be a result of this. keep him confined to a small space as to alot of moving around will also cause more pain etc. did they show you how to put a towel under him to use as a sling to help walk out to go potty? feel free to email me if you need. good luck

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  • 6 years ago

    No, never medicate your dog with anything the vet hasn't prescribed or recommended. Vets won't prescribe anything if they haven't examined the dog just like doctors won't.

    Instead of allowing the dog to suffer you need to take it to a vet. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't have a dog, either find the money, or re-home the dog with someone that can provide proper care, like a shelter/rescue, once they've treated the animal perhaps they can find it a home that Really Cares.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If your dog needs painkillers, he needs painkillers and if you try using human drugs, of any kind, without the vet advising you, then you may do more harm than good. Certain drugs are only available under prescription for good reason. Vets are trained, for years usually, so they know what to use for what condition, and in what dose.

    I'm afraid if your dog needs treatment like this, then you have to find the money somehow. Talk to your vet about cost, if you are having difficulties right now.

  • 6 years ago

    I certainly wouldn't advise this to anyone, but my father was from what they call in the Holler of Kentucky. There they can't afford a doctor for themselves much less the animals so of course they had home remedies. Until my dad passed away after he moved he to Baltimore he never stopped using his downhome ways. They say never give animals chocholate. Daddy had a drawer where the dogs knew he kept his stash. Once a day they would get one small piece. All his animals lived to very old ages. Thank God

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The only human OTC pain medication I know of which is suitable for dogs is buffered aspirin. Petstores also carry aspirin for pets. However I don't know how strong this is in comparison to what your vet prescribed.

    This is a useful website which tells you for a lot of medications what you can give to your dog and what not:

  • 6 years ago

    If you are too cheap to take the dog to a vet and have proper vet care done then surrender the dog. The meds used for dogs and for humans are different and dogs can't have the same ones we take

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Do not purchase meds at the vet. What pain med is it? My dog is on Tramadol and its acregular prescription drug you can fill at Walmart. Ask for a written prescription from vet and fil it elsewhere. It is 40 dollars at vet and 12 at walmart

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