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How can I unblock my Yahoo mail account when using public WiFi?

My semi-smart LG 840G Tracfone has WiFi capability, and I can access my Yahoo mail if I'm at home, using my own router. But if I use a router in a public place such as a McDonald's, a bus station or a food court, every time I try to sign in I get an alert saying for my account safety my account has been temporarily blocked, and I should log in from a desktop, laptop or smart phone. This is frustrating because if I had access to any of those devices at the time I sure as Hell wouldn't be trying to read my Yahoo Mail on this little cell phone's tiny display.

Is there a way to change my settings so I can access my email even when using WiFi other than the one in my home?

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago

    Don't everybody answer at once!

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