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bigboob asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

who let all these non vaccinated kids into our country now we are fighting about measels?

5 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Surprise! Remember when the anti-vaccination stuff started? Like the woman whom Michelle Bachmann claimed told her her daughter got brain damage from the HPV vaccine?

    Here is a list of some of the numbers of percentages of children without vaccinations:

    Alaska had the highest exemption rate in 2010-11, at nearly 9 percent. Colorado’s rate was 7 percent, Minnesota 6.5 percent, Vermont and Washington were 6 percent and Oregon, Michigan and Illinois were close behind. Mississippi was lowest, at essentially 0 percent.

    If all the unvaccinated children were coming from elsewhere, why are American children getting it, too?!

    This is just more propaganda coming from the right to keep the pressure up to get you to hate immigrants and not focus on what THEY themselves are doing to the country.

  • 6 years ago

    If you want to eradicate a potentially deadly disease, you don't rely on a single strategy. Vaccines are essential. So is a sane, safe immigration policy. We need both. Does anyone seriously believe that, in a country where measles was "eradicated" a decade ago, this measles outbreak *didn't* come from across the border?

    EDIT: If there's any serious doubt that our immigration policies could be behind this, the WHO reports that Mexico reported over 4500 suspected cases of measles in 2014, . Screening immigrants to make sure that they're not sick and contagious isn't about "hate," it's about common sense and epidemiology. Science, not politics.

  • 6 years ago

    While I do think that some of what we are seeing can be laid at the feet of Obama's bringing in 10s of thousands of illegal alien kids, we can't ignore the fact that there has been a growing reluctance of American and European parents to vaccinate their kids under the misguided idea that it will cause autism.

    So we don't know who "Patient Zero" was in these cases. It could just as easily be one of our own. And even if the kid was an illegal, if American parents had their kids vaccinated we wouldn't be having the problems we are now.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    HA! Finally a fellow free thinker who GETS IT! Holder ordered schools to let in thousands of these children in without health records and we 'suddenly' have D68! And it is not like the CDC did not know it although they deny it as the spread for D68. Now its measles. And you notice how the MSM always shows children with the most extreme cases in their reports? This is all a scare tactic which will become as politically divisive as Ebola. MoveOn is already running a petition in California to make vaccinations mandatory for school enrollment.

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  • 6 years ago

    Surprise! :oP

    Remember when the liberal media was downplaying all the diseases that the "children" were bringing into the detention centers?

    And now they are blaming the anti-vaxxers, instead of all the people coming here from other countries with unvaccinated children.

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