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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 6 years ago

25 "men",charged with child sex offences,24 with Asian names. West Yorkshire Police Arrests. ! has a non asian name ?


,,,and the beat goes on,,the beat goes on |!!!|!

( 1 non asian name )

Pakistani Export ?

9 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Most Pakistanis are Muslim - and even The Prophet's harem of 13 wives and concubines included a much favoured child. He (pbuh) precribed no more than 4 wives for his followers - one a week per month presumably being regarded as SATISFYING even the most lustful.

    With the option of perming any 3 from 4...etc etc. AGE was irrelevant - but the younger the better - reducing the odds of the goods being soiled by some other creepy towel-headed bearded weirdo.

    VIRGINS are by far the best - as awaits any faithful (MALE) Muslim who gets to PARADISE - the Gardens, Fountains, delicious fruits, etc - with virgins a-plenty - eager to PLEASE any self-sacrificing, suicidal JIHADIST.

    Reports suggest S Yorks Police are NOW 'on the case' of widespread muslim paedo-phile rings - rather belatedly - on behalf of an estimated 1400 victims. A current SUGGESTION is that police and social service agencies were INACTIVE due to fear of being thought RACIST or divisive in the local 'community' of Rotheram.

    The OTHER suggestion is that certain S Yorks officers were ALSO particicpating in under-age sex - and keen to avoid too thorough an INVESTIGATION.

    AS WITH the long-delayed National Inquiry - which seems to have been resolved by appointing the New Zealand Judge - to check how far up the Establishment such crimes were committed-covered-up.

    Justice delayed IS justice denied - but whilst SIR J SaVILE got away Scot-free - there is still time for many guilty child abusers to be brought to account.

    Your non-Asian named suspect might well be one of our own...?

  • Steven
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I hope these men feel the full force of the law and receive considerable sentences, but I'd also like to see several council workers, councilors, police officers and those others who allowed Rotherham to let these people down in the first place, in court for dereliction of duty.

    I don't care what colour, religion of ethnicity someone is, if you commit a crime then you should be punished.

    I equally want to see the white conservative,s liberal s, labour and other politic ands who have been involved in the Westminster sex cases as well.

    I will point out, (again) that according to those who work in this area of crime, that you are far more likely to be abused by someone you know, particularly a family member.

  • 6 years ago

    We hope to see some non-Asian arrests. Specifically, certain members of the West Yorkshire Police themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Well yes,this report only confirmed what we already knew or suspected. The BBC said several months ago that the offenders were mainly Pakistanis. But I am sure this is a tiny minority of these people who were after all criminals.We all have criminals. I do hope this report does not cause a slur on the general Muslim community. Its all things western people dont fully understand. I cant hope to compete with some of the educated answerers here,but its my 2 cents worth for what its worth.

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  • 6 years ago

    This sort of thing makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.

    I'm convinced there is some 'agenda' that allows these animals to perpetrate their disgusting 'way of life'.....Un-challenged, Un-questioned and often Un-punished.

    This beautifull country of mine, has been utterly ruined, largely by incompetent government and mass unchecked, low grade immigration.

  • 6 years ago

    Well, they all come from the cultures where they are not allowed to have girlfriends, so of course they will need to shag someone so it's either bully someone into sex or shag prostitutes! I'm just amazed that it took us so long to realise this was going on.

  • 6 years ago

    That sounds about right.

    Since Muhammad was a filthy paedophile they believe child sex is natural.

    Now they should rot in prison until the day they die, or be executed, none of which will happen with this woolly minded government.

  • 6 years ago

    It has nothing to do with race. It is not a problem particularly associated with the Pakistani communities. The men are the real victims. Do you know many are unhappily married to their cousins from Pakistan? They are confused about their western

    identity. The girls were willing. Blame the police. Where were the parents? They don't see gang rape and selling and trafficking children as wrong .They are all devout. They are family men. They go to the mosque.

    Absolutely disgusting and all too common. I just 'shared' excuses and 'explanations' for the many many many similar gangs already uncovered.

    Someone suggested it was dodgy as no gangs had been discovered in other areas with high Pakistani Muslim populations but I say it is only a matter of time.

    These gangs were operating for a very long time with no interference for over a decade. They are multi generational with fathers, grandfathers and uncles getting in on the act. The poison runs from father to son but we are told it is not cultural and just coincidence.

    Too many excuses and too many people quick to scream islamaphobe if such cases are covered.

    The race card is always quickly played and useful fools trot out statistics like most sex offenders are white and ignore the very strong link with this particular crime and this particular community.

    It is shameful that so many of these people have been allowed to get away with this for so long and shameful that it was in effect covered up to keep voters and communities quiet about this effect of mass immigration from a region where rape and abuse of women is commonplace.

    Source(s): Cases like this do not always make the national news so the extent of the problem is kept hidden. There is still a desire to pretend it is not a problem and side effect of reckless immigration from some parts of the world. Children have been sacrificed on the alter of multiculturalism because too many people have told us for too long how enriching immigration of non Europeans in their millions has been.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This racket has been going on for decades and with the full knowledge of the police and council.

    The looneys are really running the asylum

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