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Is it correct to call JW's a religion when they follow an organization rather than God?

11 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. That's correct. Why? Because they will obey the organization even when doing so goes against the Bible.

  • 6 years ago

    JWism is a religion

    they believe their organization speaks for God and has the correct interpretation of the Bible

    Most churches believe this in some way

    Ibelieve and profess that the One Catholic Apostolic Christian Church has the right of interpretation and is guided by the Holy Spirit and is the fullness of God's Organization and Family

    and other Trinitarian Christian groups share in that and are all in at least partial communion with the Catholic Church, whether they openly acknowledge that or not

    JWism is a very late contender for the claim to be the original Christian faith and organization since it is basically a 20th century founding and re-invention

    indeed, since the early and mid 19th century was the height of "restorationist' groups claiming to be restoring New Testament Christianity JWs are late even by those self-authenticating standards

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I was thinking about Moses when he lead the people out of Egypt. God used the people to lour the Egyptians the most brutal killing force known to the world at that time, into the middle of the sea.

    What if the people would have said, "Moses doesn't know where he is going he is zig sagging around. I am going another way, I don't need to follow him out of Egypt>" God wanted to drown this killing machine to save all the people on earth. They were the first world rulers. What if they refused to follow him anymore? Would they have been around to run through the sea on dry land? I do believe God has and organization on earth today. He always has and they have always been persecuted and made fun of.

    Jesus Christ will rule the world, and he will bring about peace.

  • 6 years ago

    JW and RC are both man-made political organizations grabbing for power and money. They both, as do a lot of the others professing to be Christian, in their man-made organizations, follow after humanism in believing everyone has a free will to accept of reject Christ Jesus. What folly!! ALL humans are born "DEAD" in trespasses and sin, none excluded from the polluted nature throughout that was of the natural generations of the first Adam. It is only when the Holy Spirit superadds the Spirit of Christ (born again) to them are they able to think, say and do concerning Spiritual things of Christ Jesus. So, all free willers are those that have not been born again and can not be born again by their efforts(wholly or partially). Also, JW and RC both use their own version of the Bible; the KJV is the only true guide of faith and practice.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    No, it would not be correct to call JWs "a religion," but it would be correct to call them a religious group or religious organization, just as the Roman Catholic Church itself is.

    JWs' religion is Christianity, and so they adhere to what Jesus himself said his true followers would do, including not warring against their neighbors in other lands [Luke 10:27-37], having love among themselves [John 13:34,35], not being involved in this world's political affairs [John 17:14; 18:36] and actively seeking to fulfill Jesus' commands and prophecy that he gave concerning the preaching of the good news of God's kingdom, doing so in the manner he prescribed, and as the apostles affirmed, publicly and from house to house. [Matthew 10:11-14;27; 24:14; 28:19,20; Acts 1:8; 5:42].

  • Jay
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Answer - Yes, as all religions are just cults. As for JW's they follow God/Jesus and the literal word of the Bible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No religion follows God. God is revealed to us by Jesus.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    We do not worship a no-name God but our GOD YHWH or Jehovah has a Son named Jesus, the most popular Witness ever to live.

    Attachment image
    Source(s): THE BIBLE
  • 6 years ago

    JW's messiah is Yosef who was crucified on a pole in 1066.

    JW's leaders are Freemasons. Freemasonry was created by Sionists.

    JW's await a king aka antichrist. Why? Because Jesus will come back to end the flying antichrist's rule when this antichrist conceives a thought in his evil mind that he 666-isotope-ray-lasered everyone.

    So, when antichrist comes (in a few years), JW's will welcome him.

  • 6 years ago

    I read that they were originally called something else. I think it was Watchtower Society but had to change the name to be considered a religion.

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