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LindaLou asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

Question about my Dog can you give me ideas?

I have a relatively small 7 yr old Chi-weenie. She has had very runny poop the last few weeks and I can't determine why. Same food, no real changes. Any ideas? Should I be concerned?


She always has plenty of water around and drinks quite a lot and she has daily walks with me of 30-50 minutes in duration. No real stressors recently - she's a super happy pup, sleeps through the night, recent weather changes where we live which is nicer not as cold.

Update 2:

Her poop is literally like liquid pudding & milk chocolate brown in color.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A few weeks I definitely would bring her to the vet. Also bring a poop sample, ideally less than an hour old.

    Could be worms, could be colitis (though since I go after a few days, no idea whether it would improve over time anyway, but the dog gets a couple of days of antibiotics).

    With a small dog dehydration is more of a worry. Take your dog to the vet.

  • You're going to need to tell us the color and consistency of both her normal poop and her new one. Chances are, she could be getting more or less water or exercise. Have there been any changes in the home, such as a nwe member of the house/family? Stress could be a factor. But no one can determine that until you give us some answers.

    Source(s): Dog owner
  • 6 years ago

    No one, including a vet can diagnose/treat your dog without examining it, least of all YA, take it to a vet.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You need to take your dog to the vet, so the VET can tell you what is wrong.

    She might have worms, or something worse. Please do that for the pet and for your peace of mind.

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