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About a god and an existence and a religions, discuss that?

Hello, and thanks previously, I think these an elements be not around us somewhere, they be inside ourselves, something deeper than the self or the identity or the soul, they be inside but not outside.

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Which god? Humans are natural polytheists and all of the arguments about monotheism fly in the face of that fact. There is the never ending "problem of instrumentation" that many people have direct personal observation of various deities but no instrument has ever detected one. It's actually an interesting question of epistemology.

    Which existence? Postulating other existences leads no where.

    Which religion? Consider the golden rule and it's implications. There is a tiny number of large faiths that claim they are right and others are wrong - The golden rule suggests we should call those faiths wrong. There is a vast number of small to medium faiths that never claim other faiths are wrong - The golden rule suggests we do not call these faiths wrong. But there is something effective as a PR tactic that allows these faiths to grow large.

  • 6 years ago

    I love this topic, but this will be long, its very complex (in explanation, once understood it is very simple.) Before we talk about God directly, to understand what God is, we must talk about it indirectly. First, the concept of "oneness" also referred to as the "interconnected universe" is a scientific and philosophical idea, which is proven just as true as basic mathematics. This concept revolves around realities most fundamental level, where individuality is not a factor. It has been proven by an experiment called "the double slit experiment" that subatomic particles, which make up matter, which make up the physical world, are aware of their surroundings, and know when being watched and recorded and will not act naturally until they are no longer being observed. Once they are not being watched, they cease to act as solid particles and begin to behave as energy waves, its like a marble turning into a beam of light. The first thing this indicates, is that there is a direct link between our mind and our physical surroundings, the second thing this indicates is that the mental link is a necessary factor for the existence of the physical world. This is because these particles are the building block of the physical world, but are only physical while being observed, therefor the physical world could not exist without consciousness being there to experience it. The third thing this indicates, that that consciousness is really the building block of reality, "the programming language of the universe" as described by a quantum physicists who's name i cant recall. This information has lead many physicists to a philosophical understanding which was a direct result of scientific experiments and critical thinking. This idea is that we are all apart of a single consciousness which is experiencing itself subjectively, which is why our surroundings have awareness, why mind and matter are dependent on each other, and is why God is defined by so many religions as exactly that, reality as a whole; you will never understand god without understanding this; God is not a figure, not an entity, God is the consciousness of reality; while matter in a way is an illusion created by observation. Now i will show you the similarities of "God" in religion, and the one universal mind of Quantum physics.

    "The Buddhist principle of the oneness of self and environment (esho funi) means that life (sho) and its environment (e) are inseparable (funi). Funi means "two but not two." This means that although we perceive things around us as separate from us, there is a dimension of our lives that is one with the universe. At the most fundamental level of life itself, there is no separation between ourselves and the environment." - Buddism

    Islam-the Quran provides a monist image of God by describing the reality as a unified whole, with God being a single concept that would describe or ascribe all existing things: 'He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things"

    Hinduism- Brahman, the creator is defined as " being consciousness-bliss, being infinite and the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena"

    Sikhism- Sikhs believe that the Creator is all pervasive and is the only truth, that all creation is illusory and the route to enlightenment is the realization that all creation is One."

    The list goes on, Christianity will aslo say this truth somewhere, as all religions that speak of God do, i hope you were able to see the how those definitions all stated the same thing, and how the scientific world has also come to this realization, besides those in denial.

  • 6 years ago

    To each her or his own, but in my opinion, I was'nt born with a religion in me, but to experience different things ways to find my way in life. I've been to 7 other countries and have found that many Priests, etc. believe differently from those in our country. I've found the real GOD is'nt known by Priests, Ministers & Preachers in America, because these only use the word god to make others afraid of them or to scare them into doing things they would'nt ordinarily do. I dont believe in their bible and there's no proof its real, just made up stories and those that preach these stories from time to time change the stories each time there reprinted and this has been going on for hundreds of years in all religions, even muslims. In the original bible there were'nt any slaves, yet the muslims sell females and are considered slaves as soon as their born. Mike

    Source(s): 8 countries of different beliefs
  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Existence isn't around us? No wonder you have a hard time with God.

    Atoms are in us, but I am not the atomic world. God-nature is within me but that is a tiny fraction of God's nature.

    Religion is what happens when the ineffable gets a marketing strategy.

  • 6 years ago

    Religions are only con man made up profit making organizations that trade on the worlds stock exchanges and want to get rich off of conning and scamming the uneducated instead of teaching them knowledge, they preach stories into the young untrained minds of children till the stories are believed and then they have a flock for life!!! That is brainwashing and should be outlawed!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I'll bet if when you went to church "they gave you money" instead of the other way around, you'd go a lot more often.

    The church should be supported by the rich, and then when we show up to listen to the same boring sermons over and over, we should get paid. It's only fair. Time is money, Amen.

  • 6 years ago

    I agree. Introspective thinking makes us stronger, and isn't "god" supposed to be the ultimate human strength? Perhaps most people search outside of themselves for God, whilst they turn to religion and petty rituals meant to make oneself "holy," they miss the point of origin for their so called truths entirely. They search for god outside of themselves because, they do not have enough faith in their own capabilities, and in some cases have been taught they are somehow unworthy of this inward peace and power by means of indoctrination and con artists. If you do not have faith in yourself, then god isn't in you, if you have inner strength and a powerful soul, then god IS in you. It all depends upon perspective.

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    This is a question and answer forum, not a discussion forum.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I like how the word "be" be used here. Hamlet be, "To be or not to be, that be the question." One time a bee be stinging me.

  • 6 years ago

    You "think" these things? Does it occur to you that what you "think" tell you more about your biases then the truth?

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