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Where are the Watchtower seminaries in the US and Europe for training Jehovah Witness leadership?

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    The closest thing is Bethel in New York. The Watchtower actually does do a good job of training members to be effective speakers, writers, and recruiters. I recently read 2 autobiographies about men who grew up in JW families. Both went to Bethel. I think they said it allowed them to work for the Watchtower, but not in jobs that made much money. It is designed to keep them poor and always dependent on the organization. They don't go to a school where they're qualified to get good jobs, so they worry about how to survive on the outside.

    The good news is that the Watchtower does train their people to be excellent speakers and writers. The people don't realize that they would be good at a number of jobs that require speaking. It is backfiring on the Watchtower now because there's so many former Witnesses using those skills to help rescue others from the Watchtower.

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Where were they 2000 years ago, there wasn't any, Jesus taught the Apostles and people, the Apostles taught people, then the person would teach someone else.

    About the only ones of the Apostles with what you could call a (higher education) was Paul and Luke, the rest of the Christians then properly didn't have a school education, they were taught by their parents.

    You do not have to have a higher education to understand the Bible and teach.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Bar-Angry is up to his old lies again. You know all those Bibles in hotel rooms and doctor's offices? They were donated, free of charge, by the Gideons. The Gideons have given out more Bible than the JW's ever could. No one is making money off of this.

    As stated, JW's have their pioneering school called Bethel. They really don't critically examine the Bible there, but instead train people on how to convert others. Basically a school for salespeople with religious overtones.

  • 6 years ago

    Bethel in Brooklyn

    Note how Diane goes for the low road

    and is unwilling to stop spreading hate of Catholics with her generalizing slanders

    Also note that she is not publicizing the PBS expose of the cases of child molesting among Jw groups and the covering up from higher ups

    She strives to bash us Catholics with similar things yet does not critique her own

    Reformation begins at home

    We should not use "bashing' techniques since they are unchristian and counter-productive

    I do not know any official Catholic publication that gets ex JWs now Catholic to give nasty reviews of life at Bethel but according to Diane the Watchtower does do this

    That said, the more we Trinitarian Christians ' bait' JWs the worse the results will be

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    We have unpaid clergy who are constantly being trained with weekend or longer seminars

    .Seminaries for catholics are well known breeding grounds for the less desirable qualities we see in some priests. One priest who is now a JW wrote an interesting article in our magazine recently - a real eye opener.

  • 6 years ago

    All baptized Jw are ministers. Reason they are preaching in the YA is equivalent to a sermon... thus they earned the points thru their field service reports. However this deemed ministers are not recognized as preachers with the mainstream catholicism, orthodox or protestants denominations. their preaching is not recognize or not equivalent to a school curriculum. Jw are bogus.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


    A better question is “Where did Jesus Christ ever direct his followers to run seminaries in the world for Christians?!!

    In fact, the view that Christians needed seminaries would be the attitude of the religionists who opposed Christ and the Apostles! “The Jewish leaders understood that Peter and John had no special training or education” (Ac 4:13).

    There is absolutely no indication in God’s Word for Christians to build or run seminaries, so Jehovah’s Witnesses follow God’s Word rather than try to make money by setting up seminaries and universities like the money hungry Catholics and other religions do.

    The fact is that Jehovah’s Witnesses are engaged in the greatest Bible education work ever done in all human history (Mt.24:14; 28:18-20)!!

    It is also significant that, unlike Catholics and other religions, the Witnesses distribute bibles and bible based literature worldwide free of charge. As a rule, other religions' publishing houses are profit making operations. It is a proven fact that, like most "charitable" organizations, most of these groups actually end up giving very little to those in need.

    Look at the prices the so-called "Christian" publishing houses charge for their bibles! Even the few that are "non-profit" pay their executives enormous salaries!

    Witnesses do “God’s will” rather than imitate the “workers of lawlessness” who “perform powerful works.” These false Christians will “call Christ their Lord” and claim to “perform many powerful works” in his name. But Christ will tell them: “I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized” (Mt 7:21-23).

    The "Great Commission" by Christ was NOT: "Go give to the poor..." or "Go build hospitals... universities... orphanages... old folks homes." He said "Go and make disciples...teaching them" (Mt 24:14; 28:19, 20).

    Nowhere in the Bible do we find any record of the Apostles or Christians setting up universities, but we do find them preaching! (Mt.24:14; Ac 1:8; 14:21; Rm 10:18; 11:13; Re 14:6).

    Since the Bible urges Christians "to follow Jesus' steps closely," Christians do help people in need especially by educating them. While the Catholics kept people illiterate to hide their false teachings, Witnesses teach them how to read God’s Word themselves. However, also like Jesus, Witnesses make the work of teaching the Bible's message about the good news of God's Kingdom their top priority (Mt 5:14-16; 24:14; 28:19, 20; Mk 1:14).

    As usual, any criticism of the JWs also condemns Christ since Witnesses follow Christ's directions exactly!

    Just like Christ our organization teaches us to help people in any way that we can. But Jesus also never organized universities or hospitals (Mt 14:15-21; 15:32-38; Jn 6:2-13; Rm 15:25,26; 1Cor 16:1; 2Cor 8:4).

    The Witnesses distribute bibles and bible based literature worldwide free of charge while other religions' publishing houses are profit making operations. It is a proven fact that, like most "charitable" organizations, most of these groups actually end up giving very little to those in need.

    Look at the prices the so-called "Christian" publishing houses charge for their bibles! Even the few that are "non-profit" pay their executives enormous salaries!

    The evidence is that ONLY Jehovah's Witnesses, as an organization really help others without monetary gain!



  • 6 years ago

    Actual under the Brooklyn Bridge......Which they sell...

    Soon moving to a Mall in upstate New York....

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Usually held in a telephone box.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Up your butttttt

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