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Is this biblical teaching speaking accusingly about groups like Jehovah Witnesses and the Watchtower? What are their good fruits?

Matthew 7:15-20 (NRSVCE)

A Tree and Its Fruit

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will know them by their fruits.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes sir, I believe that does apply to the Jehovah Witnesses. Just yesterday, I read something written by a senior former JW. He spent his life slaving for the Watchtower and now is retirement age and has nothing. Someone suggested he write an autobiography to earn some money and help others at the same time. He said the title might be "Broken Lives and Shattered Dreams." That is the fruit of the Watchtower. We see it all the time. A lovely lady in the UK reports that for her the fruit is having a mother with cancer who will not allow her to take her to treatments or be there for her during what might be her last year. Another fruit is an aging grandmother who goes on the Internet begging her granddaughter to visit her one more time before she loses her sight. She is rapidly going blind. She literally wants to see her granddaughter one more time. Those please go ignored. Another fruit of the JW tree. There's a nice young man from Bosnia who is being shunned by his father because he realized the teachings of the Watchtower didn't make sense. He was having to preach what he could no longer believe and he created a web site to discuss his thoughts. While waiting for the disfellowship hearing, he got an email from his father that he would be shunning him. Another fruit. That same young man recently posted on the Internet that he cannot believe in God at all. I find that to be far too common in former JWs. Another fruit from the Watchtower tree is that they take weak or minimal Christians away from Christ and into a cult. By the time they break free, they often have thrown out the baby with the bath water. They throw out the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and are left in a spiritual void and they spread that mistrust of real Christianity to each other. That may be the worst and most bitter fruit of all.

    The fruits lacking are the fruits of helping others in need. They are told none of that matters because Armageddon will happen soon. People who could be helped are not helped because it won't matter after Armageddon. Those who don't drink all of the kool aid are tossed aside by their own families. Often there's no fruit at all, but sometimes there's a very bitter and poisonous fruit.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


    Should There Be a Clergy-Laity Distinction?

    Most Reverend, Right Reverend, Father, Most Holy Father, Rabbi, His Eminence, His Excellency, His Holiness, His All-Holiness—these are some of the titles that distinguish the clergy of various religions from the laity. The separation of the clergy from the laity is common to many religions, but is the arrangement from God, or is it a human tradition? More important, does it have God’s approval?

    “IN THE New Testament and during the early apostolic times there is no mention of clergy or laity,” wrote professor of theology Cletus Wessels. The Encyclopedia of Christianity states: “There gradually arose a differentiation into clergy as the officeholders and the laity as the rest . . . ‘Ordinary’ church members now came to be seen as an unqualified mass.” That differentiation became prominent during the third century C.E.—more than two hundred years after Jesus Christ!

    If, then, the clergy-laity distinction is not based on the model set by Jesus’ apostles and other early Christians, does that make it wrong? According to the Bible, yes. Consider why.

  • 6 years ago

    Is it a fruitful tactic in drawing others to Christ, Incarnate Eternal Love, to go on the attack mode and make it personal?

    Far better to show where our teaching as Trinitarian Christians show that Jesus is not some lesser god of a risen man who had formerly been the Archangel Michael but God the Eternal Word become man for our union with God

    Let our hospitals, AIDs hospices, leprosaria and the like speak for us as our Trinitarian good fruits along with the poured-out-in -Love lives of those like Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta and so many saints lead by the Eternal Spirit of the All Good trinity, One God of 3 distinct and undivided hypostases, the God of Eternal Love

    Bashing individuals will not open minds but close hearts to us

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Hmm... #1. People who follow the Bible's example would be mild, kind, wise, long suffering, forgiving, and patient among countless other good traits. Ok now that I got that out there, #2 JWs study and practice what the Bible teaches. #3 I have yet to see a JW ask a leading question like this. #4 Yes, the bible says there will be false prophets. These false prophets would probably try to use tactics such as accusatory questions, berating, spreading false information, and many many other slanderous tactics... hmmm... this is all sounding very familiar... Multiple people ganging up on one group and calling them "False"

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Let's see:

    * Permissive attitude toward sexual / domestic abuse

    * Won't allow life saving blood transfusion

    * Shuns former members

    * Multiple false prophecies

    Yep, these are their fruits.

  • 6 years ago

    Good fruits?? jw is infamous and n the business of printing, selling /peddling flyers for profits

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It's not talking about groups. It's talking about individuals that the Bible student learns to discern.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It's speaking about Paul. You know, that dude who said women shouldn't speak in church and should be submissive to men. Know them by their fruits!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    JW have the best fruitage from Jehovah's table. Many love good fruits and will eventually come to Jehovah's table for the freshest ever. Taste an see that Jehovah is good.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Of course not! Everything that Witnesses speak is straight from the bible. You have probably noticed that bad things are sometimes done in the name of religion. Not all religion originates with the true God. (Matthew 7:15) much of mankind has been misled.—1 John 5:19

    Jehovah God is uniting people from many religious backgrounds by teaching them the truth and by teaching them to love one another. (Micah 4:2, 3) You can recognize practicers of true religion by the way they care for one another.—John 13:35, Psalm 133:1.

    True worshippers base their faith and their way of life on the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16) They also honor God’s name. (Psalm 83:18) And they advocate God’s Kingdom as the only hope for mankind. (Daniel 2:44) They imitate Jesus by letting their “light shine,” doing good to their neighbors. (Matthew 5:16) True Christians can be recognized by their neighborly visits to people’s homes for the purpose of sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom.—Matthew 24:14; Acts 5:42; 20:20

    Source(s): Bible/ A Jehovah's Witness
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