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Where do deniers of global warming NOT go for information?

5 Answers

  • Edward
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Go to the past an see all the crap politicians an liberals tried to sell Acid rain,global cooling,global warming none of it happened now it's climate change all BS..

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Climate Science doesn't have all of the information in regards to what "forces" temperature in either direction. They've more than admitted this well-known fact. That's why they have to depend on each other to substantiate their claims.

    Most all of your links, that are part of your own answer to your own question are run by liberal elites. You can read the bias that is written into each post they make. They make extraordinary claims based on extraordinary circumstances that are sincerely and unequivocally over-exaggerated by climate clowns who claim to know the science.

    Try a SIMPLE MATH calculation first (or even have a climate scientist explain it) :

    What is the temperature or climate difference between these 2 World's?

    World 1 -

    78.08% Nitrogen

    20.94% Oxygen

    0.93% Argon

    0.04% CO2

    World 2 -

    78.08% Nitrogen

    20.951% Oxygen

    0.93% Argon

    0.028% CO2

    What is the exact temperature difference between the 2 worlds? (... and you can't use temperature anomalies).

    Answer: You won't find "ANY" statistical difference in temperatures. At all! Zip! Zero! Notta!!!

    (They call me "Zippi", which simply stands for the insignificant temperature rise we have experienced over the past 350 years of human industrialization.)

    PEGMINER - Does that mean that your idea of what an "answer" entails, is the only answer you will accept? It's no wonder why people turn their heads away from arrogant thinkers and environmental extremists who think they know how the world works? ... and then try and force their ideas on people through Government force and intervention, also? More "Climate Clown Activism" it seems.

  • 6 years ago

    Bonafide sources of scientific information such as textbooks, journals, universities, scientific associations, scientific agencies, or leading scientists.

  • Mike
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    RealClimate, unless they started there as believers and became skeptics after recognizing their deception.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    university science libraries

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