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Are you sympathetic about this or no? What's your opinion?

Okay, so I saw a short video of three guys jumping one girl, Facebook commenters boo hooing on the video feeling so much sympathy. Am I weird for not feeling sympathy? Why? Because no one ever knows the full stories of videos like that. It's STILL wrong that they jumped her, but people automatically assume that they jumped her for absolutely no reason.

The girl, in the actual full story had stolen from them, and these are guys are in gang related activity. My point of view is that don't do stupid sht to the wrong people or else you'll get hit hard consequences in a rough manner because that's just how brutal some people can be. And makes me feel smaller sympathy while everyone is feeling full on bad for the girl. If you had the guts to steal from males than you had the guts to get a risk of getting jumped.

I feel that it was still wrong and should have handled it differently, but like it said just don't pull off stupid sht with the wrong people and not expect any form of consequence

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    if your talking about the black people? the 3 boys jumping a girl and they all look like they are in their teens then yes i saw that video. how do you know she stole from them? people say anything they want and unless you know from your own sight and saw she stole things people will say anything to defend their actions. imo 3 guys jumping 1 girl is puzzy shet even for a gang. you want to be a man? go one on one. if she doesn't want to hand it over steal it back and other stuff of hers like her tv or something.

    where i live theirs a lot of gang related violence but they are not really gangs more like wannabe gangs. one time i almost got jumped by 6 guys. some guy came up to me and my friend trying to hustle us acting all tough and so i called him out on it thinking he was man enough to go 1 on 1 next thing i know i see 5 of his friends comming out of the store talking shet to us. being the smart person that i am i didn't fight them as trust me i'd probably ended up dead. they do NOT fight fair. 6 vs 2 and using knives/weapons. trust me these guys cannot fist fight yet alone have seen a real gun fight or knife fight in their lives.

    it really depends on your background me i used to slang drugs and all that shet so i can show some sympathy for the girl but at the same time like you said not every detail is clear however 3 vs 1 is just petty shet. it's not the fact that she is a girl if she was pregnant maybe yea but she wasn't

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Stupid girl is stupid for doing stupid things that got her in stupid situation. Does not justify 3 guys jumping on one girl tho. If you are beating up somebody who can not defend himself against you, even 1v1, no matter male or female, you are a shitbag in my book.

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