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James W asked in Food & DrinkEthnic Cuisine · 6 years ago

Which one of these is bok choy? (pic)?

They looked different and they tasted different. So, which one is which?

Attachment image

9 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bok choy has a white stem that resembles celery without the stringiness, and dark green, spinach-like leaves that are tangy and sweet. The bottom ones are bok choy. The top picture is Shanghai bok choy with its pale green stem; very similar taste but smaller. It is sometimes called baby bok choy.

  • 4 years ago

    Bok Choy Pic

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Both are bok choy or chinensis variety. The bottom white stem with slightly curly leaf the Chinese usually called it siew pak choy or white bok choy which you can find a dwarf (with short white stem) and tall long white stem bok choy. The top picture bok choy is also called bok choy with a pale green stem.

  • Pheby
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The top one is not Bok Choy. It is Shiu Tong Choi. The bottom one is call small Bok Choi. My Asian friend taught me about Asian vegetables.

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  • Tim
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    They are both bok choy, just different varieties. The one on the bottom is most commonly seen. I was told that the name bok choy translates simply to 'white vegetable'.

  • 6 years ago

    The top ones are bok choy

  • 6 years ago

    Pak choi, pok choy, bok choy? Both normally defined as Chinese cabbage from the brassica family. It's like asking which one is a cabbage, the dark green curly leafed cabbage or the pale green smooth leafed cabbage.

    I call it pak choi .

  • Peach
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    The one on the top is Bok choy.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well those little itty bitty turtles are babies and heck yeah they will grow, they'll grow up to 12 inches sometimes more,You need to have this setup, it costs at least $300, and is a regular setup. ************ This is a setup for a red eared slider the most common type of turtle, they get up to 12 inches, but you will see them as babies at a store commonly, so know that they will grow very big************** You will need to get a 50 gallon starter tank and upgrade to a 75 gallon later on when your turtle is over 6 inches...If you can not get that big of a tank right now then for now you can use a huge rubbermaid container filled up with clean warm water 5/6 of the way. The water should be 75-82F, that can be achieved by buying a water heater at the petstore, along with a water filter. Water filters that are best are canister filters, like the Rena xp3 filter which costs $200, but filters very well. Do buy a filter please, even a cheap one at $25, is better then none at all, since turtles are extremely messy and poop-ful (haha). The bottom of the tank should be bare, no gravel because they could choke on that mistaking it for food. On top of the water you need 3 things, 1. a basking dock ( buy a large size zoomed basking dock). 2. you 100% need to buy a basking lamp+bulb, you buy them separatly, then screw the bulb in ( 50 watts) and shine it on the basking dock over a mesh hood( cut a hole out of it and place the light there!). 3. This is very important, you need a uvb light. It is a long thin light, you need to get the actual lamp+ the long skinny bulb. Reptosun 5.0 is the best bulb( together costs $55). Shine that onto the basking dock as well. Turtles need these together because they use the uva for heat, so they stay warm ( the basking site should be 90-95F, not colder) and they need the uvb rays to metabolize calcium and vitamin d3 for a stronger shell ( like you need it for your bones!) The diet for the turtle should be reptomin pellets ( and other nutricuos pellets!) crickets, mealworms, bloodworms, shrimp, and krill. All of this is found dead at the petstore!;) They also need vegetation, get kale, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, and collard greens. Drop all of the food in the tank once a day, and remove any leftover bits after a few hours. By the way ALL of the protien food ( dead food, that was alive once) should be dusted with a calcium supplement ( powder) and you need to get a cuttlebone found in the bird aisle of the petstore and drop it in the water for him to knaw on, keep it there for a while (month) until he eats all of it, then get another. Once all of these things are done your turtle will be pretty happy!

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