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To my fellow Daesh fanboys?
I see that Ramadan section has been diluted by some Daesh fans. Don't worry you are but simple minded laymen and I won't call you Kharijis.
You are still living in the West screaming Baqiyah
I ask you fanboys and girls, are you in contact with any Daesh fighters like I am, do you know any personally like I do. Do you know anyone from JN or Ahrar etc.
If not please sit down and don't be jahils of whims and desires
Here 1 of the best vids out there proving they're Kharijis
Watch it if you are truthful and not a people of desires. Id be baffled if you still stick to yoyr stance.
It's a bit graphic so not for the weak hearted
2nd vid a close friend of mine made
This has opened a lot of eyes
New series coming out very soon insh'Allah
Let's see if you continue to scream Baqiyah now!

5 Answers
- Anonymous6 years ago
A so called "fangirl" here ✋and yes i've been in contact with them, some were crazy and overly perverted while some were really knowledgeable and wise, but the most important is, u can't generilize a whole group by the few idiots in it, it's the intention what matters.
- ?Lv 46 years ago
i don't think some understand me when I say contact. I mean on phone, on Skype not Twitter like the most of you.
From Arabic speakers to English speaking, German, French etc.
Not even half of you would have talked to them via DM on Twitter let alone Skype or Phone call.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
I have my three dogs crate trained, and I didn't have any real issues with it. Learn here
I didn't get them as very young puppies, and that makes a difference. young puppies are like young babies. They don't cry to manipulate, they cry to have their needs fulfilled. They need to potty every 2 to 3 hours at this young age, and crating them for long periods of time causes them physical discomfort. They don't like to potty where they sleep, so it creates the need for the dog to get out of the crate, or soil it, which will make him more reluctant to use it.
Make the crate a place where good things happen. My dogs get a small treat every time I crate them before I leave. They also get fed in their crates (I feed a raw diet, so it's less messy if they eat in their crates). They dive into their crates in anticipation of food. I also leave the crate doors open all the time so they can sleep in their even when I'm home if they choose. If you have a smaller sized crate, keep it close to your computer, or other busy areas of the house so the dog has an option to go there and rest when you are home. toys such as Kong's are great for the crate because you can stuff them and give the dog something to occupy him. I used to stuff mine with a mixture of peanut butter and frozen mixed veggies, then I'd freeze it before giving it to the dog. You could very easily do this when you are sitting at the computer, give him the Kong in the crate. Shut the door and let him enjoy it while you surf the web. (he may have to potty after he finishes it, so make sure you take him outside when he's done). I'd also remove the kong and take him out of the crate before he asks to come out.
If you keep it positive, don't make a fuss when you come home, or when you leave, and have patience, the crate can be a wonderful tool!
Source(s): - chococheesecakeLv 56 years ago
The dogs keep barking but the caravan moves on.
Fabricated, weak ahadith and the argument of using aql instead of Qur'an and sunnah is what you and those who hate dawlah have.
adh Dhahabi said: "If you hear the innovative mutakallim saying: 'Leave out Quran and sunnah and bring forth logic' then know that he is Abu Jahl."
Watch the Light Revelations where your claims against us are easily refuted.
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- 6 years ago
Yes I have been in contact with some for a while who lives in sham.
Don't worry I didn't believe in their propaganda, we all know they're khawarij.