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Kindergarten book ideas?

So, for a school writing project, we have to write a kindergartner a story and read it to them. It has to be meant for their age (5-6) and has to involve them. My two assigned kindergartners are two 6 year old boys, and I have no idea what to write the story about. Any ideas ??? Thanks.

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Start by deciding on what message you want your story to have. Most children's stories have a message (It's better to share, use your imagination, be polite...)

    Next, decide who you want telling your story. Do you want your story to involve talking animals (popular among children's stories)

    Think about your audience. You are writing a story for two young boys. What do young boys like? (Sports, knights and dragons...)

    Then put everything together. Maybe you want to write about a group of young boys on a hockey team and your message is that winning isn't everything so your little boys don't win their hockey game but have lots of fun anyways or maybe you want to write about a mouse who wishes he could be a knight but the other, bigger animals laugh because he is so small. Your message could be that courage is what makes a hero and your mouse could do something courageous and earn the other animals respect.

  • 6 years ago

    The Magic Sandman by Auntie Kealoha. This was my favorite book as a kid. It is short and simple. It is still one of my favorites to this day. It's simplicity takes you back and makes you think of the little things you would imagine as a kid. My sister and I used to play Native Americans in the back yard. We would make imaginary soups out of dirt and leaves. It was so silly, but it was so fun. The Magic Sandman teaches a lesson of always believing. No matter how big or how small.

  • 6 years ago

    How the [insert animal/something here] got its [insert feature of animal/something here]

    [insert funny/silly explanation]

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