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Lv 5
? asked in Beauty & StyleFashion & Accessories · 6 years ago

Clothing stores in Japan that sell...?

I'm going to Japan later this year and one of the things my friend and I are going to do is shopping (obviously lol). We will be mainly shopping in Tokyo (shinjuku, harajuku,and possibly some other places) But since we're both bigger than the regular Japanese sizes and also taller than them, I was wondering if there are shops that sell clothes for people between the sizes of 36/38 - 40/42 (european).

I, myself, am looking for rock, punk, lolita, gothic etc in bright or really dark colors. but also extremely cute and girly clothes in pastel colors etc. so if you know any clothes in those styles in those sizes,


I don't know what 'anime stuff' would be, in terms of clothes, especially since I don't watch anime. I like different kinds of clothes; from really punk or rock things to really girly clothes with lace. Here's an example of some things I like:

Update 2:

Basically, I just want to know if there's clothing stores in Tokyo that sell punk, rock, lolita, gothic or anything like that for people in our sizes. I know it's hard to find something that fits, but I really like a lot of different clothes, which is why I am looking for different kinds of stores that sell these different styles.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    As a guy, I'm 32 and I had a hard time there. Sadly most carried up to 28. Uniqlo Ltd. will have sizes, but by the sounds of it, you're not into Japanese clothing, but rather more into the Anime stuff?

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    ====> >tips =====>> >

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