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what is an empath and is it an paranormal or psychiatric term.?

7 Answers

  • Hunter
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    The fact is that there are nearly 80 psi abilities and gifts ranging from antpsi to xenotelepathy, While most humans-- except for sociopaths-- are capable of some empathy, there are actually four psychic abilities that are forms of empathy: clairempathy (ability to sense the emotions of others from a distance), telempathy (the ability to communicate with animals), charisma (the ability to charm and influence others), and [psi] empathy. A real empath is like a telepath, a clairvoyant, or a telekineticist-- they have various degrees of these empathic abilities.

    Empaths are usually called "sensitives" but are actually hyper-sensitive to so many different things: noise, electromagnetic fields, static electricity, temporal anomalies and distortions, changes in air pressure, negative emotional and psychic environments, etc. While telepathy and telekinesis start to develop in puberty, some children grow up empathic-- hating to be hugged, kissed, and especially hating to shake hands-- a disgusting human custom.


    "There are special people in this world. We don't ask to be special. We're just born this way. We pass you on the streets every day, unnoticed by most. "

    ― Cassie Holmes (Push) ―

  • John
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Empathy itself is actually a normal human trait that isn't paranormal at all. Every healthy person is empathetic, meaning they vicariously share in the emotions that they detect in others. People detect emotion in others by their body language, tone of voice, actions, choice of words, etc. In fact, body language (posture, facial expression, where and how they put their hands, how they hold their shoulders, where they are looking, etc) is something you probably notice subconsciously as well since it is so ingrained in how people communicate. This leads some people to think they are sensing emotions psychically since they don't consciously notice it, but it's just subconscious interpretation of body language.

    On top of that, it's very easy for a person to generate emotions just within themselves. Actors exploit this all the time, but all people do it. If you start thinking of a sad event, and you try to put yourself in the place of someone experiencing that event (I.e., you empathize), you will likely start feeling sad emotions.

    In summary, there is no reason to think that psychic empathy, or being an "empath", is a real thing. It is just an idea recently popularized in the media in TV shows.

  • Mog
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    A psychically empathic person is someone who can feel the emotions of others simply by being in the same room. Sometimes, they don't even have to be as close as that. They can feel what another person is feeling without trying.

    Empathy is a psychiatric term: to be able to put yourself in someone else's position and see life through their eyes in order to understand their feelings.

    An empath is a paranormal term to describe someone with empathic psychic abilities.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I agree with Hunter, Empaths are sensitives. Hunter gave a good explanation of the psi definition for empath. Its my understanding Psi empaths can sense & feel what others feel, without knowing anything about them, or having any direct contact or interaction with them. They experience physical sensations & symptoms not just emotions.

    Being labeled a 'psychic' or 'empath' if you are emotionally sensitive or display a high level of compassion towards others is the more common definition promoted by New Age & Spiritual sites.

    According to the following link "Keepers of the Heart-light" ( a bit new-age or spiritual)

    "Empathic psychics have developed their innate empathic ability and are very responsive to others emotions, feelings, thoughts and dreams. They possess the ability to "read" people."

    Empathy is not rare & shouldn't be classified as a paranormal phenomenon. It is also not a psychic ability.

    Empathy, to me means *connection*. What the world needs more of and what it means to be a human being. I'm not religious but I do like how the Virtues project describe empathy.

    If you want a psychiatrists view with neuroscience thrown in check out the Ted talk on empathy by Dr Helen Riess . There are other good Ted talks on empathy also, check out Anita Nowak & Brené Brown .

    Attachment image
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  • 6 years ago

    An empath is someone who is very sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others, and can sense them very easily.

  • Gary K
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    An "empath" is a person suffering confirmation bias and is prone to magical thinking.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Empathy is addressed to the person who is considered sensitive to ghosts, but not so!

    Basically he is a person esosterica, which has to do directly with the spirits of demons, for his initiative, and will !!

    Clear syntax ??

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