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? asked in HealthMental Health · 6 years ago

Can i quit prozac cold turkey?

I got on Prozac 20 mg almost 2 months ago. It has helped with the anxiety and helped get me through a rough patch but the side effects are taking control if anything. I'm constantly drowsy, I feel so lazy and like I don't want to do anything. Constantly hungry I've been gaining a lot of weight and most importantly it eliminated my sex drive. I can't climax anymore it's not pleasureable like it use to be. Will I get my libido back if I quit? Is it safe to quit since its only been 2 months

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You may get your libido back if you quit.Doctors normally say to let them know if you want to quit and they will advise you,if they think its a good idea they will say cut down gradually eg a pill every other day at first,at least. There are some warnings of side effects but ive come off prozac quite a few times with little to no side effects.One thing on prozac I noticed is that I still get low moods but I never cry ,personally im not convinced never being able to cry is a good thing.I think it can effect sex drive in men and in women.So I agree im not sure its worth taking.

  • 6 years ago

    As someone who tried the cold-turkey method, I do NOT recommend it. You will hit the ground hard and feel like hell ... dangerously so.

    It was prescribed to give you a window of opportunity to get your head straight and get a new perspective on life that is less negative/destructive/stressed-out than it used to be. You are unlikely to have achieved that in two months, but it is possible.

    You should probably talk to your doctor about a plan to gradually reduce your medication so your body has a chance to adapt to the lower dose before you move on.

    Yes, your libido will recover and your head will be clearer, but only if you are sufficiently recovered to have overcome whatever it was that caused you to need the medication in the first place. The medication does not solve your problems, only you can do that, but it does take the weight off for a while. It may be that there are more suitable medications for you with fewer side effects. It is definitely worth talking to your doctor before considering stopping the treatment.

  • 6 years ago

    Well you can, but it will likely suck big time. I was on a similar SSRI called Paxil, but I was on it for over a year, so my body was well adjusted. I tried to wean myself off slowly but it didn't work, I was still having horrible withdrawals that were driving me crazy, so I just gave it up cold turkey and flushed all my pills down the toilet so I wouldn't be tempted. I have to say, it was pretty bad. While I've never been addicted to drugs, I feel like I now know what it's like to go through heroin withdrawal. I spent a few weeks on the floor unable to really move at all. I had horrible electric shock sensations going through my body, I shook uncontrollably at times like I was about to have a seizure... It was rough and I often wished for death. It did take a couple of months to feel normal again. I'm not trying to scare you; Paxil is different and it's well known for having the worst withdrawal symptoms of any anti-depressant on the market. I actually joined in a class action lawsuit against Paxil's manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline and received compensation for the hell I went through.

    That being said, you haven't been on it for very long, so you may be okay to quit cold turkey. You won't know until you try it. Keep your pills around, and if you feel that bad, then take a small dose and try again. I had also take Zoloft for a couple of weeks before and quit that cold turkey without any symptoms. You are NOT going to have a psychotic break, Linda has no idea what she's talking about. But I know the feeling, Paxil did the same things to me. I couldn't sleep, I could no longer climax and I gained around 80 lbs! I gave up on all meds after that, I got over my anxiety completely on my own over time. And yes, those things will return to normal after you are free from the medication.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes it sucks because of side effects, but luckily 20 mg is not a whole lot. You can wean yourself off and you might have a few rough days (but not necessarily -- not all people do) -- going to one and half, then one, than a half, but first let your doctor know everything about why you want to quit. For many people SSRIs are temporary and that's a great thing, to not be depending on for the rest of your life, unless you really need it. So let your doc know, he is the one to ask this kind of question.

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  • Sunny
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    There are much better drugs for anxiety in my opinion. I think that anti-depressants are over prescribed. Talk to a doctor about trying something else so you can wean off the Prozac.

  • Gert
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No, you cannot. You could have a psychotic break. Listen, this medication is addressing a serious issue you suffer from. No cure is without side effects. Quit complaining and get well. Then you can get back to your life.

  • DeAnne
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Ask a dr; he might want to wean you off slowly or change your meds to Zoloft which is not addictive.

  • 6 years ago

    no, drugs must be discontinued gradually

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