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Thoughts on hip hop bigger than The Beatles ?

I've heard and read about this but what are your thoughts? My own personal thoughts is that The Beatles had way more of an impact, they were revolutionary, and that who ever wrote or said that hip hop is bigger was most likely not even around during that time to see the true magnitude of The Beatles, they are probably just going off numbers of youtube views and facebook likes, but The Beatles have always been used by the media to compare bands and artists to, like with One Direction a few years back, which was obviously untrue

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hip Hop is simply a genre of Popular Music that arguably peaked in the 80's and has never really gone any further. Don't get me wrong I love 80's Hip Hop but have found very little to get excited about in the last 20 years. The Beatles have influenced so many different genres but what is most important is that those original albums still sound amazing today and have arguably dated a lot better than most Hip Hop.

    Sadly Beatles Bashing is becoming rather popular, I don't take it seriously.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    The Beatles single-handedly brought America out of a severe state of depression after the JFK assassination. They brought back hope and a sense of better things to come after one of the darkest periods in the country's history. Hip-hop on the other hand, in its infancy was more of a medium to empower African-Americans to fight back against racism and spoke to their angst and feelings of being second class citizens. So yeah, the Beatles definitely had a bigger impact. Also, like phatzwave commented, if it takes a genre of music to compete with just one band, then its quite obvious who had the bigger impact.

  • 6 years ago

    The Beatles had ALL of the Top 5 songs in the charts the same week-

    I don't believe Anyone has Equaled or toped that.

  • 6 years ago

    Popularity wise, of course it's bigger. You can't compare a whole genre to one single band. That's like saying "Jurassic Park 4 better than the Flintstones". Now if they were to have said "Kanye West bigger than the Beatles", then I'd laugh in their face....probably slap it too. Also, you have to keep in mind that a half of Hip Hop "fans" are teens who let pop culture dictate what they like and can't learn to choose for theirselves. Ex: "I'm going to listen to this, because everyone else is listening to it and it's cool".

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  • 6 years ago

    I would say Hip Hop has had a bigger impact than The Beatles. However, I might be a bit biased considering that I believe The Beatles were terrible people (a few of them homophobic, racist, and sexist...)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    its a start, but i won't rest until calypso is bigger than the beatles. until afrobeat is bigger than the bealtes. until gamalan is bigger than the beatles. until klezmer is bigger than the beatles. i mean seriously, no single band deserves to be bigger than entire important genres of music.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

    Here's a hip hop song:

  • the fact that all roads still point back to The Beatles answers the question

  • 6 years ago

    The funny part about that argument they had to take an entire genre to overcome one band.

  • 6 years ago

    both suck

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