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Do you think school is a waste of time?

427 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    No, it's not a waste of time for anybody. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. School is important for everybody. School helps you develop life skills that you will use for the rest of your life. School is extremely important, yet so many people across the world don't have the opportunity to go to school...then you see that people are abusing this opportunity by not trying at all, or never showing up. It's really sad. School is most definitely NOT a waste of time, and it's unfortunate that some people think it is.

    So what if you learn some stuff that you will never use again? That's not what school is about "only teaching you stuff that you will need". It's about life skills. You learn to retain information, and then use this information in other settings/different ways.

  • 6 years ago

    What you learn in school is vital to your being. Learning about history, math and science teaches us (hopefully) to not repeat our mistakes as a race. Judicious learning does not, however, equal earning power. More and more, it has been my experience, networking resulting in nepotism has become the norm. Judy will recommend her friend even though there is someone more qualified down the pike waiting for that job. I am a tired, frustrated old woman who was told if you make the right sacrifices, get into debt choose books instead of booze you will get ahead. Time and again I have been disappointed. I believed that if I sacrificed enough it would come and now I have done nothing to help my fellow man (which is really what I wanted to do) and I am saddled with debt with no recourse and tired. I would take any job right now, as long as I would be surrounded by sane people who don't use nepotism. For me school was a waste of time because I have not made a living wage. But that is not to say for others it will be different; perhaps my experience is a condition of my character or lack thereof. I encourage my son to go to college knowing full well what my experience has been because I loved to learn; it was fun and easy. The real world, outside of the ivy covered walls not so much; it is filled with people who do not have good intentions and are willing to do anything for their piece of the American dream. Do you have the courage to see it through; will you pursue it with a pure heart and will you not let the world beat you. That would definitely make education worthy.

  • chip
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    There are much more productive things that kids could be doing rather than learning 12 years of algebra that they're never going to use again in their lives. Instead they should focus on showing them what real work is like so they can choose what suits them best and they can choose the right career early. Then after that, there should be education based on the specific subjects, like universities and colleges do. I understand the reading and writing sides of things but that's about it. I got out of school 3 years ago. Since then I haven't used history, geography, all of that once. I did a creative media course at college. I could've completed the course with ease when I was 10 years old. I didn't need 6 more years of bullsh*t just to complete some exams that are memory based in the first place to complete college. Other than that it gave me lots of stress and was just another reason for bullies to beat me up and rob me, as the same with a lot of other people.

  • 6 years ago

    It isn't a "complete" waste of time. But it IS ultimately a waste of time. I mean we students have to spend quite the amount of years being forced to follow the rules and learn things we probably won't even be applying in our future everyday lives. There should be things that allow us to help us follow our dreams and desires instead of learning how to write an essay about something that doesn't even make sense or getting headaches trying to take math(how annoying that is). During my second semester of school, I came across the only teacher who said that she wants her students to grow as individuals than teach things that we don't care about. I even consider that person as one of my best teachers I've ever had. That's why I say that school isn't a complete waste. I think we

    (if anything) should basically learn things that are necessary for survival, such as how to pay bills or things like that. It always made me wonder how accomplished people really feel when they finally graduate from high school and go out to the real world. Is it really worth spending almost a decade and 2-3 years learning countless things that we'll definitely forget? Pre-K and Kindergarten made sense though. I mean that's the basics and fundamentals. Of course we remember that. And multiplication from 3rd grade and stuff like that. I'm 16 and going to be a junior when school starts again and I feel like middle school was a bit pointless...But it's not like I can go back in time and change that. That's why I don't complain about life much. But my answer is yes and no. I showed my reasons.

    (I no longer answer for best answer, I answer from my views on things..)

    Nice question too!

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  • thug
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    It depends on! It can be good if it works for you and offer the courses you want to study and need. But for those who aren't school motivated and would rather make a better impact at a work than sitting at a school desk. Should get a job. Instead of being forced to waste their times. We are all different and society shouldn't discriminate and look down on people who doesn't like to study or go to school. We all fit in togheter differently. It's an unfortunate and such a shame that it is so hard to get a job these days unless you have education even with low paid jobs.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes and no, it depends on the time of person you are. If you have a creative mind then the boundaries of school can definitely restrict you. If you enjoy the idea of dampening your individuality and want a "free ride" where an institution is going to determine how you think and your common goals then school is for you :). The people in school- the teachers, students, etc- are the center of your existence during those years. It's an extreme separation from reality because you are indeed forced (it is the law) to attend school and placed in situations where your needs and personality is not accustomed for and neither can you escape. If you are an artist you are labeled rebellious child. If you are a mechanic you're labeled lower class and stupid. If you are an athlete you are labeled a meat head. It's quiet appalling what a faulty school system and YES IT IS ******* FAULTY BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY IN WHICH YOU CAN ENFORCE STANDARDIZED TESTING AND EXPECT EVERYONE'S TRUE PERSONALITY AND SELF TO BE INTACT. " [public school is a place] "where the sensitive experience a horrified dissociation from reality that can sometimes never fade away."

  • 6 years ago

    At times.

  • 6 years ago

    For some children it can be a waste of time while for others a good way to spend time. whatever children learn in school is usually needed in their future for when they go to colleges or universities, not necessarily talking about maths, alegebra, unless you want to do that in college. I think in schools we all get to experiance the things and subjects we might or might not do in colleges, so its a good start off for children. Education is very important for our future, your qualifications are what will get you a good and well paid job. Besides all those boring subjects schools also have fun activites and subjects which people enjoy and look forward to. I mean everyone has always had a favourite subject at school, maybe because they are good at it or because they like it. So school isnt always a waste of time children learn alot from it. Sometimes the most important lesson a person learns of their life is from school.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I think some parts of school certainly are. I mean multiplication and division everybody should know but the average person does not need to know calculus for their future career. I read the book "the giver" and in it instead of an education system like schools they have this volunteer thing where you pick a subject or topic at an early age and do bits of work on it up until adulthood and because you have been learning bits of that since an early age you should excel at the job. But even if school is a good thing because we learn all this crap we will most likely never use it has A LOT of drawbacks such as bullying or stress for certain things.

  • Claire
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Heck ya!

    School is more about what score you get on a test than actual learning. The tests are solely memory-based too. You sit in a building for 7ish hours and by the time you get out, you have even more of that terrible work to finish which often takes the whole evening. Give me one real world example of when I would need to know about monomers and polymers and parabolas, everything past elementary school is just useless trivia we'll never see again in our lives unless we're a chemist or something.

    In addition to those things, school is a dictatorship as well! They can make any rules they want no matter how stupid they are and when you complain about them, ISS for you. If a teacher wants to give you ISS for sneezing, they're perfectly allowed to.

    And btw American government, if you want to be so much like Japan, give LESS homework because that's the reason they're up so high in the rankings.

    I just thought I would vent about everything I hate about school

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