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is the F.E.M.A. death camps real? or are people just advertising that to sell book and what not, kinda like what they do with end days topic?


to sell books*

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It could be real. Just hasn't started yet. Wait for a big global disaster then population control. Look at poisioning of foods and drinks with gmo's and stuff, taking away guns and all these permits and laws. This is not freedom. It's slavery and communism.

    Fema has three colored stickers they're putting on mailboxes said to be who's safe and who's not, who's first to go to the death camps.

    There's underground tunnels and things under Wal-Marts and other places that are hidden. Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks following military around and not selling Ice Cream.

    It's part of the Jade Helm. it's said CERN is trying to recreate the big bang and has and will open portals to the other dimensions of Hell and the demons to come through.

    There's all the other thins too like ISIS, The Illuminati, 9/11, faked moon landing, faked mars mission, faked planet and space satellite photos.

    The earth is really flat or concave. Most people would call you crazy to say that about Earth but looking at what they say is evidence looks like it could be real proof Earth isn't a ball or globe or pear shaped. looking at the orbit of stars, always a circle around one star. The sun and moon circle above the flat or concave Earth. That's all I'll say about that.

    The foreign minister of France has said we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos. 500th day ends on september 25. it's said a 2.5 mile asteroid or comet will hit September 23 or close to then. That would cause climate chaos. Climate is the atmosphere..., and human behavior. There has been some presidents or people to say they are going to do mass killings for population control. Fema death camps? There's more to it than what's said or shown while others call them lies and conspiracies.

    all that stuff and conspiracies, or what people are calling conspiracies that could or could not be true like CERN, Chemtrails, GMO'S, ISIS, Jade Helm, NASA, Illumianti, Flat Earth Society, Al queda, Government, Area 51, Aliens, Mass Population control reduction to only some million or a billion, 9/11, Boston Bombing, Russian Asteroid, worldwide trumpet sounds in the sky,September 23 asteroid 2015 prophecy/prediction, all other things happening, with all these things happening or conspiracies whether true or not do you rhink Jade Helm is too much to be true? What if there were a worldwide chaos like that foreign minister of france says or an asteroid/comet? Government will do something to control the people. I could write lots about these and sell them in books whether true or not while adding exaggerations and untrue things to make it more overreacting or get people's attention, but that's all I have to say for here.

  • Ann
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I don't know that there are really FEMA death camps, but I live in TX and people here have taken photos at night of military vehicles being unloaded into Wal Mart stores that were supposedly closed due to "plumbing problems" for a six month period. I think what will really kill more people than anything is disease. We have become so "sterile" due to vaccinations and ending diseases we considered "common" (measles, chickenpox) as well as polio, tuberculosis and whooping cough, that when immigrants come in with these diseases, we have no defense. There is no smallpox vaccine except at the CDC in Georgia. If our water is contaminated, people will die of dysentery. We don't know how to take care of ourselves, and we run to the pharmacy and get pills. What if there is no medicine available? We will be living like people did back in the Dark Ages. I don't know what the government has planned for us, but it's not good. Jade Helm is occurring here in TX. We may have another civil war--this time, between races and cultures, or else we will have all of our conveniences (electricity, water, gasoline, food) taken away and we will die from ignorance of how to survive.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Why would they need special camps built ten years in advance, when we currently have jail space for 1% of the population and half a million illegals?

    Here is what it comes down to.

    Evangelical Christians are suckers and willing to believe anything.

    Like wired-all-my-money-to-a-Nigerian-prince gullible.

  • 6 years ago

    No. They are not 'death camps' and they are not staffed by FEMA. They are there only for emergencies, and they are staffed by UN volunteers who act as security to protect the stores inside, and who would act as protection just like in any other gated community if they have to be filled.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    No such thing as F.E.M.A. death camps. F.E.M.A. means Federal Emergency Managment Agency, no camps but Government helping those in need. Mike

    Source(s): Common Logic
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    it's just to sell books. Our government is pretty shitty and lazy and corrupt and manipulative but that is ONLY because of who foolish and stupid and uneducated and uncaring and troll agenda people vote for in the first critical primaries and in the national election.

  • Rose D
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It's a conspiracy theory. Kind of an extreme version of the moon landing being a hoax theory.

  • 6 years ago

    It is advertising for a book. Not real.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    They are not real. Your suspicions are correct: It's a bunch of idiots trying to make money.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Not real. Most conspiracy theories are just fantasy fiction.

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