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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 years ago

I am a white male. Am I rightt to feel guilty for what my forefathers did to natives and Africans? My liberal friends say I am likely racist?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You are an individual. Let me ask you this, should the son of a serial murderer feel guilty for his father's victims? That wouldn't make any sense, especially since you could argue that the effect the father's actions had on the son make the son another innocent victim in his father's crimes.

    If anything the actions of your ancestors hurt you too. Maybe not as bad as the slaves were hurt, but it brought you shame and apparently guilt.

    By the way, your liberal friends will probably call anything they don't understand or agree with racist. It's just what they do. I pay no mind to it, neither should you.

  • 6 years ago

    Dude. You are not responsible for anybody else's actions. You can decide whether or not you are racist.

    Also, tell your liberal friends that most natives died from a disease that ravaged Europe just a few hundred years earlier. They should know that white people ended slavery just as much as freed blacks because they had all the political power. Muslims and blacks themselves both participated in the slave trade...Europeans enslaved each other. History is nasty. America is supposed to fix those issues. It is a society created on the basis of natural rights for every single person.

  • 6 years ago

    The reason humans say you're probably a racist, is becuase ONLY racists babble mindlessly about "guilt" for things they didn't do, while refusing responsibility for what you HAVE done.

    If you were in any way HUMAN, you'd realize that it's wrong to blame people for things other people did. In fact, that's central to your being a racist.

    Have you ever wished you wee human?

  • 6 years ago

    Any one who has been through the effort it takes to not be a co-dependent knows that taking guilt that is not yours is a sign of mental illness. It is unfortunate that most US citizens are co-dependent because this lets those that transfer guilt tool work.

    We are accountable for what we do and if we continue to treat other people as less then- then we are guilty. It is unfortunate that other forms of bigotry are socially acceptable- they are the same a racism except they do not use race for the social stratification.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    If descendants are culpable for the crimes of the fathers in all time, no one is innocent including your liberal friends. If I am guilty, so is anyone black who belongs to an African tribe that enslave its war prisons and sold them to white slave traders too! No race has a clean conscience; we have all bullied each other throughout history!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    You can if you want. I won't nor will I teach my son who's White of Scottish, Irish, Puerto Rican and Spanish origins to feel guilty because Whites of Scottish, Irish, Puerto Rican and Spanish origins in the past have done bad things. Liberals can't help themselves for blaming, and teaching others to blame, everyone but themselves for their failures. It makes it easier, then, not to succeed because your success or failure is never up to you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, you're not. We can only be responsible for those acts we do willingly within our own lifetimes. To think otherwise is to revert to Old-Testament-style generational curses. The only thing we're guilty of that we did not directly do is original sin, which too many seem to conflate with European ancestry nowadays.

  • 6 years ago

    Are they for real? Don't listen to them. I say it's alright to feel guilty but it's also okay if you don't. YOU had nothing to do with it. That doesn't make you racist either.

    Source(s): I'm black :)
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    It isn't really a matter of being 'right or wrong", but I don't think you should feel guilty since you didn't have anything to do with it.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    White people did great things for Natives and Africans. The most oppressed people are Whites.

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