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Did Paul completely ruin Jesus' message?

Yes, this is a genuine question to all theologists, regardless of your belief. (Or lack of)

In the NT, Jesus' teachings in the gnostic gospels completely radicalise everything in the OT, and thus Christianity was born. A new religion without the angry genocidal OT God, but a new, loving compassionate God. Only a few basic rules, of decency temperance and charity. None of this 'thou shalt not..."nonsense, and no weird rules about haircuts, wearing red, eating pork or shrimp with the left hand on a Saturday etc. Just a simple ethos available to all.

Then later in the NT, we read about Paul (previously Saul) enter into a period of enligtenment, and start rebuking other tribes in a series of letters that seem to have been influenced more about OT teachings and less about Jesus's teachings.

Did Paul completely take over and ruin Jesus' message?

11 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Immediately after Jesus finished teaching the Gospel, the anti-Christ came and planted his words so close to Jesus' words that his words can not be removed without uprooting Jesus' words: Theophilus, Luke, and Paul, contaminated the Gospel by changing Mark and Matthew's Gospel then adding their own gentile scriptures.

    antichrist originally meant "substitute" or "instead of".

    Paul's letters are not Gospel. Paul was never a disciple or an apostle of Jesus Christ and all 3 different versions of his Damascus RD. story are fake. He wrongly thought an Apostle was greater than a Prophet which is why he chose to call himself an apostle.

  • 6 years ago

    As a bisexual Christian I see Paul as a champion of the Gospel message. The ones who are against Paul are not understanding Jesus.they interpret Paul and Jesus through the deviation and confusion of James.

    They make Paul sound like James, who was a legalist. James corrupted the Law of Moses and the Gospel at the same time. Christians who reconcile James with Paul end up being legalists.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes, Paul was a misogynist whose basic message was intolerance towards others. Almost the opposite of what the message of Jesus was about.

  • 6 years ago


    Paul was a native of Tarsus (a city in modern day Turkey). He was an intelligent educated person with

    Though a Jew by race and religion knowledge of Greek literature and non-Jewish culture. Paul strongly

    opposed Jesus during his life time, and tortured and killed many of his followers According to his own

    report; he was traveling to Damascus to arrest the followers of Jesus, when he experienced a visionary

    encounter with Jesus, who, as Paul claimed, commissioned him to be his apostle. He died in 94 AD

    1. He is the author of some 13 out of 27 books in the New Testament.

    2. He always believed in the Jesus of his vision - the mystic Christ, and was not interested in the person

    of Jesus who lived among his people and preached his Gospel.

    3. He did not see the crucifixion of Jesus

    4. He persecuted /killed Jesus followers before and after Jesus departure.

    5. Spare no effort to destroy the 10 commandments

    6. Paul did not learn the Gospel of Jesus from any of Jesus’ disciples or followers.

    7. Paul was not one of the disciples chosen by Jesus. He did ever meet Jesus.

    8. Paul preached his own revealed version of Christianity that was fundamentally different from what

    Jesus himself taught, and different from what Jesus’ chosen disciples believed.

    9. He achieved tremendous success among the Gentiles as he used all means to win them.

    10. He himself admits to using deceit.

    11. Gradually modified the status of Jesus; mediatorson of Godequal to GodGod

    12. His preaching was of his own founding.

    13. He turned his attention away from the Jews and focused on the gentiles.

    14. He terminated Jewish rituals and practices in order to make his followers independent of Jews.

    15. He was not even divinely inspired or guided.

    16. Paul was rebuked and considered as a polluted person

    17. Paul invented the followings:

     Resurrection

     Original sin

     Terminate circumcision

     Atonement

     No need to slaughter animals for meet

     Trinity

     The Roman Sunday

     The birthday celebration (25 December) as the birthday of Jesus

     The festival of ‘Easter’

    Jesus Christ foretold about the false prophet (Matthew 7:15-23) ‚Be on the watch for false prophets, who

    come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are cruel wolves<<‛

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes that is exactly what happened. You need to read the Gospel according to Barnabas to know the original teaching of Jesus Christ.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes. Paul did exactly that.

  • 6 years ago

    As long as people can discern that there is a *difference* between the message of Jesus & that of Paul (and detect contradictions between the 2 different messages) then it seems obvious to me that Paul did not COMPLETELY ruin the message of Jesus... for if he had succeeded in doing so no one would be able to perceive that the message of Jesus was different than Paul's!

    Obviously Paul's message has successfully *poisoned* most Christian denominations with teachings of his own that Jesus never taught... and since the *canonized* gospels were written *after* Paul's epistles, Paul's teachings influenced all 4 of them, & got incorporated *into* them -- likely even put into Jesus's mouth by later editors.

    Our only surviving gospel that likely records Jesus's authentic words that was *not* influenced by Paul is "The Gospel According To Thomas". Probably the earliest version of "The Gospel of the Hebrews" was similarly uninfluenced by Paul's theology -- in which Jesus reveals that his Divine *Mother* was the "Holy Spirit" -- & certainly *that* revelation was totally ruined by Paul & his followers.

    Jesus's Teachings were striving to help everyone to have a similar direct relationship with his Heavenly Father *and MOTHER* as he, himself, personally had. Jesus's Teachings were not really about elevating *himself*.

    Paul's teachings have basically turned Jesus into one of the two Christian *idols* (the other being the Bible) -- which *prevents* that direct relationship with the Divine that Jesus had.

    Raised a Pharisee, Paul brought Christian Phariseeism into existence. Even though he had his life transformative mystical experience, he was *unable* to eliminate the Phariseeical contamination intrinsic to much of his own thinking.

    "Revelation" & some teachings in the Epistles of Peter are obviously still the OT wrathful, judgmental, genocidal "God".

    The whole teaching that the True God would *require* the sacrifice of "his only begotten son" to *not* wreak his wrath upon humanity was straight out of Phariseeism... -- Jesus just took the place of all the animals being sacrificed by the Phariseeical religion to placate God's wrath. The *same* God -- *not* Yeshua's *actual* "Heavenly Father.

    However, Jesus's message *was* a message of *love* -- and Paul *did* write I Corinthians chapter 13 *upon* love... & i would say truly inSpirited in *that* part of his message. i don't think the historical Yeshua would've found any fault with *those* words... nor with what Paul wrote upon the "fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22-23.

    But Paul *condemns* & puts a *curse* upon any "gospel" other than his *own* (2 Corinthians 11:4-5) -- clearly making accursed any gospel from the *original* disciples/apostles of Jesus that differs from his -- which reveals his own egoic shadow and a kind of Phariseeical attitude.

    i would say that the "gospel" of the historical Yeshua was quite *different* than the "gospel according to Paul" -- for the "gospel according to Paul" was basically all about what to be believing about Jesus -- whereas that was not *remotely* what Jesus's gospel was about. And finally, Paul's condemnation of the gospel as taught by the original disciples *was* (in reality) Paul's condemnation of *Jesus's* actual gospel -- replacing it with his *own*.

    The fact that Jesus's *authentic* gospel (largely preserved in "The Gospel According To Thomas") combined with most Christians' *rejection* of Jesus's *actual* gospel *does* illustrate Paul's *success* in ruining Jesus's message to *that* extent.

    However, "The Gospel According To Thomas" *survived* -- & those able to see through Paul's own *self*-deceptions *are* able to access Jesus's (unmodified & unadulterated by Paul & the orthodox Church) actual teachings.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Well, you might want to rethink your position on Jesus and the law but you are spot on about Saul the slave trader. He had other more material motives, and he apparently hated everyone.

    I just ignore him, myself.

  • 6 years ago

    no paul taught jesus message. the gnostic gospels are not the true scriptures

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Does it really matter? The Bible has been re-written by men dozens of times anyway.

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