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Is Tim "The Tin Man" Tebow the single most over-rated, over talked about player in the NFL for the past 6 years? Or in NFL history?

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Possibly so!Many never believed that he was ever going to be good in the NFL before the draft.He was not expected to be drafted in the first round.So it was a surprise when he did go in the first.Maybe Denver saw something that others didn't.His leading the Broncos to the playoffs after takeing over from Kyle Orton's 1-4 start ya had to wonder if he had the stuff to make the NFL.But apperently Elway was never sold on Tim and signed Manning.Traded him to the Jets.When he could not beat a very bad Mark Sanchez for the starting job.Some wondered if it was Rex Ryan being a bad judge of talent or was Tim's lack of ablity.

    After being cut by the Jets he was signed by the Patriots and had a up and down preseason with them he was cut.If anybody can recognize talent in the NFL it is Bill Belicheck and it was apperent this looked like the end for him.

    Signing to broadcast SEC football games and his name not out there anymore it looked like he was moveing on in life.He sought help from a QB coach to help on his mechanics.Someone must have saw something because he got another tryout.

    If he makes the team or not remains to be seen.But Tebow suppoters will be out there makeing a case for him to be a starter.Pretending he is being descriminated against because of his beliefs.They ignore the fact that guys like Reggie White and Kurt Warner openly talked about God.They ignore the fact that teams actuly have given him a chance.If they didn't like him they would have never called him.So the saga continues.If the Eagles starter goes down or plays bad and Tebows on that team his people won't let up on his chance to play again.They will be aided by ESPN who couldn't stop talking about him

  • 6 years ago

    No, Tebow won a playoff game, how many NFL quaterbacks can say that "cough Andy Dalton" He has a real shot with the Eagles, I hope he gets in the eagles, that would **** people off, but in reality, no.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes. But one thing is certain. He is the best NFL QB turned TV analyst in his mid-20's ever.

  • 6 years ago

    Certainly over talked about. But that's mostly because of people like you that keep talking about him.

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  • 6 years ago

    He will show his worth this season.

  • 6 years ago


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