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Lv 5
? asked in TravelAsia PacificKorea · 6 years ago

For those who have been to a kpop fanmeeting before..?

Could you tell me what things they do? What it's like? I get the feeling it will just be, waiting in line for an hour to see the person, maybe get an autograph and a handshake and then you're pushed away by security and that's it? Or is it more?

Could you tell me about the experiences you've had at these fanmeetings?

Thanks ^^


Oh it will be in Japan btw, despite it being for a kpop idol, not sure if that makes a difference ^^;

Update 2:

Thanks so much for the quick answer. I am not sure what kind of ticket we will have since it was a lottery held in Japan, and we are not from Japan (we'll just be there for vacation at that time), but I'm super hyped for it now. Thanks a lot of the help ^^

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will be like a small concert where the idol/artist is on stage performing a little, talking on stage, etc. Later that falling in line for autograph signing, picture taking, and then pushed away by securities. But sometimes, falling in line for autograph, etc are just exclusive for VIP ticket holders.

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