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Asteroid 2015 15th-28th September 2015?

Does anybody think the world will end on the 28th September. I don't think it will but I've seen so much on fb and Google :/ I'm 50/50

11 Answers

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    How can you even give it a second thought let alone be 50/50? Have you given it any thought whatsoever or done any research at all?

    1. The very people who wrote the book deny that the world is going to end.

    2. The people who perpetuate this myth don't know if it's an asteroid or a comet. Incidentally if anyone says an asteroid or comet is going to hit us and can't even name it doesn't deserve a second thought.

    3. The closest approach of a natural body to Earth missed us by about twice the distance between the Earth and the Moon and that was on 13th September and nobody noticed. Too obsessed with what's going to miss us today (by 30 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon) or on the 28th (by 50 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon). Check out the recent and future near misses here:;o...

    4. The blood moon prophecy is Joel 2 was fulfilled in Acts 2 making this prediction as theologically unsound as it is astronomically unsound.

  • 6 years ago

    Why do you think this one is any different from all the other silly bouts of mass hysteria that have swept the internet? What's happened is that a whole 3 years have gone by since the last major end-of-the-world fake scare story. That's long enough for people with the attention spans of goldfish to have forgotten all about how the world was supposed to end in 2012 because of some Mayan prophecy, then it didn't.

    Assuming you are quite young, you will see a lot of these in your lifetime. Better get used to it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    <I'm 50/50> Then you possess no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Don't you think the news networks might be talking about such an event just a little bit? As in talking about absolutely nothing else 24/7? So, doesn't the fact that's not happening tell you anything? How about every space agency on the planet calling the claim nonsense? That doesn't dissuade you the least little bit?


    Just because a bunch of morons on Facebook believe every bit of conspiracy theorist nonsense they hear doesn't make the chances of *anything* 50/50. Start using your brain for something other than a reefer repository.



  • Mutt
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I'm not worrying about it for two reasons:

    1) It's typical fake Internet propaganda. There have been many "End of the World" fears posted online, and none have come true yet. So why should I worry about it this time?

    2) If it does turn out to be true, what can I do about it? Will worrying about it help the asteroid/comet miss the Earth? Will it protect me while all others around me are dying from it? No. So why worry?

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If it was going to hit us this month, it would be visible to the thousands of astronomers around the world that spend their nights looking for just this kind of thing.

    It would be on every news program, news website, science magazine, science website, there would be CNN special reports.

    It would not be a sad little story on conspiracy websites and questionable tabloid sites.

    But if you want to panic over trash, that is your choice. Obviously people didn't learn a thing from the past nonsense (2000, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012).

    Facebook is not a reliable source of science facts - people just repeat what other uneducated people wrote.

    And Google is a search engine, not a verifier of facts.

  • Clive
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Of course it won't. You MUST learn not to get your information from sources of non-information like facebook. If you read it on a reliable news site, THEN you can believe it.

    People love going on about end of the world stories all the time. As you may have noticed, the world is still here. So what was the truth in any of them?

    Obviously you haven't learned from this Or this GROW UP!

  • GeoffG
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    There is absolutely NO evidence of any asteroid heading towards Earth, either this month, this year, or this century. You have been taken in by an internet hoax.

  • 6 years ago

    Here is the list from the guys who know:

    The column CA distance (LD) shows how many times farther than the moon the object passes earth at its closest point.

    If you have questions about this list email me.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, it's all nonsense

  • 6 years ago

    *Groan*.... I can't wait for October to get here so *this* doomsday prediction is - like every other one ever presented - is also proved false....

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