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Lv 6
Layla asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 6 years ago

an answer that i gave was deemed as a violation. Why?

the email telling me of the violation reason was not valid with my answer given as it was not profane, spam, etc. Is it possible for people to just report you as a violation unwarranted if they don't like your answer? what is to be done about it? It has never happened to me before and i have answered hundreds of questions

8 Answers

  • J. J..
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Without the actual answer we cannot say for sure. however, looking at your answers it is likely to be a chat violation where your opinions are likely to be disliked by someone who holds different beliefs.

    The whole problem with the religion, politics and polls and survey categories is that 99% of all questions and answers are chat violations. Sensible members give the "technical" aspect of the violation more leeway in these sections, but it only takes one person who strongly disagrees with your point of view to report it as "chat" and you could be deleted. What is worse for you is that if you appealed, the deletion is likely to be upheld. Opinions are chat violations.

    As my grandmother used to say "If you want friends and no enemies, never talk about religion or politics"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Something as innocuous as 'Happy Birthday' or 'Have a nice day' can be a violation if it does not directly answer the question that was asked.

    What was the question? What was your answer?

    It's ENTIRELY possible for other users to report your answer just because they didn't like it, but that in itself is not a valid reason to report. If your answer did answer the question that was asked (and did not otherwise break the guidelines and/or ToS), you should appeal the deleted answer -- IF the question was a valid question (seeking knowledge and/or advice). If you answered a question which was itself in violation, it's much more likely that your answer was in violation as well (or at least reported as such), and you'll have a more difficult time winning that appeal.

  • 6 years ago

    Without the details, you are asking us to use our crystal balls. You need to give us details to help you. "my answer given as it was not profane, spam, etc' usually has nothing to do with violations. The answer "yes" is none of those, but if the question is "What is 2+2?", yes is a non-answer and a violation of the rules.

    If you want to know the reason for the violation, post "Why was this question (answer) a violation?" and add the original e-mail you got so the users can see the exact context. The experienced users here will explain it to you.

  • .
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes. It is possible to have an answer reported when it is neither violent, profane, or racist. It could be the quintessential "non-answer."

    For example:

    Question: "What is the best method of preventing my German Shepherd from eating the liquefied tootsie roles on our mouse traps?"

    And suppose that you answer by writing, "there is a lunatic in my underpants who is using our local corn maze to destroy the church of the great pumpkin."'

    Although this answer is not vulgar or racist, it breaks the rules here because it would be a non-answer:

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    while it does happen ,we can't give a definitive answer on whether it was legit violation or whether you were unfairly targeted without actually knowing what was asked and what your answer was.

    Complaining about it doesn't do anything when you nobody can even say whether you're right or wrong cause you're too busy trying to play the victim to actually give people enough info to actually help you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Probably because you were whiny and annoying. Big deal. Grow up. You're all stressed about getting one but you've probably got others.

  • Liz
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    yes it is possible for them to do that. I got a violation for answering a question that was this question.

    "Why are some people so annoying"

    I answered, "I am sorry" in Japanese and got a violation. Funny huh?

  • 6 years ago

    You can appeal, even it is just a waste of time.

    I have the feeling they don't even read it and if they do they just wanna show you they have more power than you.

    My tip: use yahoo answers only when you need it. Don't waste your time on it.

    The customer service is the worst I have ever seen.

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