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Fiancee no longer seems to find me funny?

I know this sounds stupid, since she has agreed to marry me, but hear me out on this:

I've never thought of myself to be the hilarious, get-people-rolling-in-the-aisles type, and having read over and over again (and heard first-hand) that the number one attractive trait women look for in a man is an ability to make her laugh, I worried that this would set me back in finding love. However, when I met my fiancee, I found that suddenly, to her at least, I was hilarious. Things I said and did made her laugh so much. I began to realise that I had a chance, and it worked. However, in the last few months, this has all changed. Now the best I get when I joke around is a dry "aha, you're not funny!" or "look who thinks he's a comedian". However, there are two of her co-workers who she tells me (and who I've also seen first-hand) who regularly get her - her words "rolling on the floor, dying laughing". Is it stupid of me to be worrying about what has changed? Thank you in advance


ChemoAngel, that is my worry. You say that now he can make you laugh, that you love him more than before. My worry is exactly that - if she's now not finding me as funny as before, that she may be starting to love me less. I don't want this to happen as I do not want to lose her.

Update 2:

Rosalie, thank you, a lot of what you said makes sense, however, I have no reason to believe that she is scared about being engaged - she has been planning ahead more than me, ordering venue information packs, talking about how many children she wants, so I'm sure fear of commitment is not the issue.

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    I would be more concerned about her than your ability to "make" her laugh- if she doesn't find you funny now, something has definitely changed.

    She may feel under pressure from planning a wedding, and thinking about the responsibilities of *being* married. Becoming engaged makes it all real, and can mean stress. It is a change in life that brings along with it less freedom, and means a real commitment like none other than you will have made- and perhaps she is not ready for all that.

    The number one thing you must always remember is that if she is to be your partner, you cannot turn to outsiders to figure it out. You must discuss this with her, without making any accusations or taking on the responsibility of "making" her react in any certain way- find out if she is worried about settling down too soon, and if this is still what she really wants, or if there is any reason she might want to put things off. Make it clear you don't love her any less, but are worried that she doesn't seem as light and happy, and you don't want to rope her into doing anything too soon.

    Only once you have discussed things will you know where you stand. Remind her that you are there, that you realize this is a huge change, and that whatever she needs is what you want her to have. There will be times when she is not laughing, or that you are trying too hard to get a laugh when she needs to concentrate and be serious. Getting married is *not* permanent dating, and people do settle down and become more serious. Make sure you see those glimpses of what might be to come, because it can become destructive nagging.

    If the two f you can't work this out now and come to some sort of understanding, out things off There is nothing worse than ignoring the signs of someone not being ready, and going through with it anyway. Make sure you are sure.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    There are a lot of reasons why she might not be laughing as hard now and it's really sweet of you to be concerned.

    She might be stressed out over wedding things or preoccupied. I'm like this with my husband sometimes.

    You might be trying too hard and it's just not that funny anymore. That's OK. It happens and it's not anything to get too worried about.

    It sounds like the two of you need to go out and just relax together and blow off some steam. If you can, try to get away for a weekend and not think about wedding stress or work or anything else and that might really help. Also talk to her and ask her what's going on.

  • 6 years ago

    Talk to her and say you have noticed a change in her demeanor towards you and see how the conversation goes. It could be a change in her mind/heart or maybe just a bad time with something in her life (job, family, etc.)

    In all honesty here, I went through a period shortly after being engaged where I looked at my fiancé and wondered if I made the right decision. I tend to be someone that takes forever to make a decision until I have considered every possibility and I was nervous I had jumped too soon into something so big. So on the outside I am sure I appeared distant or aloof. It has since passed but we did talk about it and our fears about jumping in with both feet into something so big.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Sounds like she has her engagement ring so she doesn't have to pretend to find you funny any more, seems like she just wants a wedding day rather than she wants to be your wife

  • 6 years ago

    your concern is legit. it is not so much that she no longer laughs at you, but that she actually says unkind things to you. i would say that she is definitely not that in love with you as she once thought she was or she would not be able to say such unkind even mean sounding things to you for no real reason.

    one of the most important things in my own married life has been the laughter. we have been married for 31 years and now his health issues have caused lots of problems with intimacy and we have tons of other struggles, but our marriage is very happy and light because we laugh. he is so funny and always makes me laugh and i adore him for it. i can get him to laugh once in awhile, but he is the source of the laughter and joy in our home. i would not trade it for anything.

    she sounds like she is more into planning the wedding and your future family than she is into you.

  • 6 years ago

    My husband never used to make me laugh, until he got on antidepressants, now he is the man I love to be married to. He used to be a beast before the doctor put him on Xanax, now I love him more than anything. Keep practicing. :) I'm sure there are lots of things that will make her laugh.

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