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? asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

Names for a Samoyed ?

My mother and I are trying to convince my father to get a dog (our old dog passed away a few years ago). We like the Samoyed because it's super cute and doesn't shed (and it's so fluffy I could die, seriously). So we're thinking about the Samoyed now.

I already have some names listed, but not sure if my mom has the same taste in names as me, so I could use a little help in listing some extra names in case she hates the ones I already have.

I need names for male and female dogs.



The reason I want a list of names is to pick from when we meet the dog. Also, where i come from, you meet the dogs weeks before you even get to take them home or pay for anything, and then the breeder picks which dogs fits you best. Also, we're required to have a name ready about half way through. And I like having names ready and since I don't think all names fit all breeds of dogs, I like options. That, and my mother asked about names, which is another reason I am asking this.

Update 2:

I looked it up, sme sites say they don't shed. A lot of others say they only shed twice a year, which is a lot less than what our former dog shed so it's still a lot less hair xD

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Estrella which means Star in Spanish. My mom owns one, named her that because she's sparkly white.

  • 6 years ago

    You really need to get the dog FIRST and then name it.

    You haven't decided on a breed for sure, and dad isn't on board for even getting a dog yet.

    and Australian Shepherds:

    You want a name that will suit the personality of the dog, and you can't know this until you meet the dog. This puppy will also come with a registered name from the kennel that bred it.

    No need to come up with any ideas for any names until you put a deposit down on a puppy and you know what you are getting in looks and gender.

  • 6 years ago

    They shed like mad!!! I own one.

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