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? asked in PetsDogs · 6 years ago

Names for a Stabyhoon?

My mom and I are trying to convince my dad to get a dog (our old one passed away a few years back). My dad is set on getting another Stabyhoon (which was our other dog's breed) if he ever gets a new dog. So I'm trying to come up with names for it - if we get one. I'm a little stuck though, so I was wondering if you could list some names of dogs you've heard that you thought were cute.

For male and female dogs. Thanks!


@julie It's a Dutch breed. It looks like this (or you could've googled it). I misspelled it, however, since the english word is stabyhoun (pronounced as hoon) and the Dutch name for their breed is different.

There you go.

Update 2:

@greyhoundadopter No it won't be his dog, it will be for all of us, but he's set on getting this breed since we loved our old dog so much (same breed). He isn't very good with names, however, and probably doesn't care about the name as much as we do (he's probably fine with almost anything) but he likes this breed the most.

We live in the Netherlands indeed, so the dog will get a name before we give it the 'roepnaam', so basically this is just for the name we will call the dog ^^

Update 3:

@julie we're looking into both dogs. My dad prefers this one, and my mother prefers the other one. But since they're such different dogs, I'm looking for different types of names. Plus, since most people don't know this breed, they won't answer this question.

2 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since they have such neat coloring with their patches of black, and black spotting on white maybe you can come up with something that might reflect that?







    Is this going to be your dad's dog? If so, then you really need to let him name his own dog. Since this is such a rare breed, your puppy will be registered (in the Netherlands?)and most likely come WITH a name from the kennel that breeds it. You might want to see what registered name the puppy comes with and see if you can spin a fun call name off of that.

  • 6 years ago

    It's 5:45 a.m. where I live and I haven't yet to finish my first cup of coffee, but I'm still trying to figure out what a Stabyhoon is. I know you're asking about a dog name and mentioned the term *breed* but what is it? There is no such breed as a Stabyhoon and I've never heard of this term for a mixed breed dog ever in my life.

    Whatever this future dog might be, wait until you get it and then ask about name suggestions because I'm stumped.

    Edit: Didn't you just ask about a Samoyed?

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